Monday, July 23, 2007

My little cotton-bum

Tonight I ordered 2 dozen Indian prefold unbleached diapers, along with 6 Thirsties brand diaper covers, from the Maine Cloth Diaper Company, which is run by the cousin of an old school friend of mine. I've done a bunch of research on cloth diapers -- there are about a thousand different varieties out there -- but in the end I decided to start with the good old-fashioned prefolds (but with modern, velcro-closure covers, which eliminate the need for scary diaper pins).

When I was a kid, there were maybe 2 kinds of cloth diapers available, plus "rubber pants." That's what I was raised in. Now, there are fitted diapers, prefolds, flats, pocket diapers, all-in-ones, and more. They come in many sizes and colors. There are even diapers made of bamboo nowadays -- "low environmental impact!"

In the end, I think I decided on the prefolds with simple covers just because if I end up not liking them or switching to a different style, at least I'll have some nice, soft, absorbent burp cloths/changing pads/dust cloths for many years to come. I remember Mom using my old diapers as cleaning rags throughout my childhood. And during some of the few play sessions in which I actually played with dolls, she taught me how to fold cloth diapers and secure them to a "baby."

I got to visit with some old grade- and high-school chums in my hometown this weekend, and they even surprised me with some baby gifts! They are so sweet. It was nice to be home again. MDad and I are going to work on the nursery this weekend -- will post pictures when it's done. Let's hope that happens before the third trimester, when I'm huge and immovable.

Murky has been busy today, but thankfully not on my bladder. Nice, gentle fluttery kicks near my navel. I could handle that for the rest of the pregnancy -- as IF that's what's going to happen!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

20.5 Week Dr. Visit (And All Is Well)

Had one of those 10-minute checkups on Friday morning. You know, one of those appointments where you wait 20 minutes for the doctor to come in for 3 minutes and then tell you everything is fine. And then they bill your insurance $300.00.

Here are the facts:
1. The baby "sounds great" (doc's words).
2. My blood pressure was 102/64.
3. I've gained 12 lbs so far (halfway through, but from now on the baby starts to put on fat faster, and apparently so will I).
4. So far as I can tell, my urine sample was fine. What do they test for, sugar? Protein? Heroin?

MurkyDad and I had a fun weekend -- took the dogs to the farm on Saturday and had lunch with friends there. Bob did his usual "chase the sheep around the field at absolute top speed" thing, which, if you're not familiar with the gist of sheepherding, is decidedly not a good thing. Scout, while not afraid of the sheep, didn't seem to be as interested in them as he was in the "professional" dog who was working the sheep. Although he seemed very interested in them when he was outside the pasture fence looking in, and not close to the action. I think he'll be ready in several weeks. It was a good first experience for him.

Last night we got to play WoW together for the first time in a long time. And I mostly didn't die repeatedly!

Friday night, after searching unsuccessfully for dried/chipped beef in the grocery store after work, I instead made a yummy shepherd's pie for dinner (with MDad's help and tasty green beans, of course). Very yummy and fulfilling. Mom managed to find some chipped beef, though, so sometime soon we'll be able to make one of MDad's favorite comfort foods from childhood: creamed chipped beef on toast. I'm up for trying most new foods, of course, but I think it's equally important to expose little Murky to slices of both Dad's and Mom's childhoods. On a similar note, this Wednesday we'll be leaving for my hometown in Maine for a long weekend. I look forward to visiting friends, seeing the old sights and, of course, eating some lobsters!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

No Chinese Baby Butt Here

Last night Mom picked up some baby wipes that were on sale at the local CVS. Upon getting them to the house, she handed them to me, and I commented that they were made in the People's Republic of China. She grabbed them back from me and insisted on returning them to the store, since she doesn't "want antifreeze on my grandchild's butt." Hee hee!

There are all sorts of crazy stories out of China these days.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Letter to Murky

Dear Murky,
Yesterday you discovered Mommy's bladder. Although Mommy's bladder has caused her trouble off and on over the years, necessitating many highway stops, trips to the doctor for urinary tract infections, etc., it is still a very nice bladder, and Mommy would like to keep it that way.

Please refrain from dancing on Mommy's bladder. In the same way that it will not be appropriate for you to jump on the bed, the sofa, the dog, or Daddy's crotch, it is not appropriate to jump on Mommy's internal organs. You are cute and all (even though J-Fav says that one of your 18-week ultrasound photos makes you look like a Klingon), but Mommy has to draw the line and enforce discipline somewhere. Please remember our discussion yesterday morning, wherein we discussed that every violation of my bladder is one day sooner that Daddy and I will expect you to start mowing the lawn.

Thank you for your understanding and compliance.


Monday, July 2, 2007

18 Week Ultrasound Photos

That little black hole in the middle of the belly (bottom photo) is the baby's stomach. Baby is already swallowing amniotic fluid and producing urine!