Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Milestones, 11 Months

The other morning, Andrew signed "more." He was in his high chair as I was flitting about the kitchen getting ready for work/daycare, and had apparently finished the handful of Cheerios I'd given him and was still hungry. I heard him whining a bit but didn't think much of it (he's frequently anxious to get going in the mornings), until I turned around and saw him putting his fingertips together in the sign for "more." I asked him if he wanted more...and he signed "more" again! Brilliant! Of course, he hasn't done it again since then...

He can say "Bob." Or, more accurately, "Bah." Still, he reliably says it when Bob is around, or when he's looking for or at Bob. Totally cute. Oh, and I'm convinced he tries to say "book" when we're looking at a book. And if you ask him what a cow says, he'll reply "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm." Close enough.

Another favorite vocalization is "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Not sure what it means (his teacher at daycare swears it means "eat," which wouldn't surprise me given how much food this kid can hoover down in the course of a day).

He seems to be weaning himself gradually. For the past week, including Saturday and Sunday, we haven't nursed during the day. He just doesn't seem that interested. He does still very much want to nurse first thing in the morning and right before bed, though, and I don't plan on giving those sessions up for the foreseeable future.

Last weekend he drank a little cow's milk from a cup. A big boy cup, without a sippy spout. He spilled most of it, of course, but he totally understands what a cup is for.

He eats just about everything now, except for the possibly allergenic/dangerous foods. He even tried a tiny bite of dill pickle last weekend -- and liked it, of course! Pasta, cheese, toast, cut up fruit and cooked vegetables are favorites.

He's still cruising -- not standing on his own, without support, but I'm honestly not anxious to see that happen yet -- I haven't completely babyproofed the house!

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