Monday, May 11, 2009

Language Explosion!

LOTS more words and comprehension these days -- in fact, it's possible to have a conversation with Andrew! Here are some of his newer words:

"Melmo!" ("Elmo")
"Bvooon" (Balloon)
"Tick Tock"
"Beep Beep"
"Mi" (Grammy)

He likes the word 'no' so much that we often hear him on the baby monitor, first thing in the morning, doing a 'no' monologue.

I'm typing this while waiting for the blueberry oat muffins to finish baking. I often wonder why I'm tired most of the time. Days like today explain why:

Wake up at 6:00 a.m. Get Roo and myself ready for daycare/work.
7:30-ish (depending on morning tantrums) dropoff.
Work 8:00-3:00 (usually until at least 4:00, but today I had to leave early for an oil change)
3:30-4:30 Oil change, plus it turns out the car was due for a tire rotation AND engine and cabin filter changes, the total for which set me back $213.00
4:30 Go to BJ's for milk and toilet paper. Also snag 250 extra-large sheets of white drawing paper for Roo to color on later.
5:15 pick up Roo from daycare. Get home, change clothes.
5:30 Grammy arrives; I can start making Roo's supper now (tonight was strawberries, veggie sticks, cheese, and milk)
5:45-6:20 videochat with Daddy, eat supper (Mommy had a hot dog and salad)
6:20-6:50 Hang out and play with Grammy and Roo -- he loves the number flash cards we bought for him (and no, we're not "Those" kinds of parents), play outside, water strawberries and flowers
6:50-7:20 Bedtime
7:30-8:30 Kitchen cleanup, feed the dog, make blueberry oat muffins...

...and here I am! Now I just have to find the energy to take a shower before bed.

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