Sunday, July 15, 2007

20.5 Week Dr. Visit (And All Is Well)

Had one of those 10-minute checkups on Friday morning. You know, one of those appointments where you wait 20 minutes for the doctor to come in for 3 minutes and then tell you everything is fine. And then they bill your insurance $300.00.

Here are the facts:
1. The baby "sounds great" (doc's words).
2. My blood pressure was 102/64.
3. I've gained 12 lbs so far (halfway through, but from now on the baby starts to put on fat faster, and apparently so will I).
4. So far as I can tell, my urine sample was fine. What do they test for, sugar? Protein? Heroin?

MurkyDad and I had a fun weekend -- took the dogs to the farm on Saturday and had lunch with friends there. Bob did his usual "chase the sheep around the field at absolute top speed" thing, which, if you're not familiar with the gist of sheepherding, is decidedly not a good thing. Scout, while not afraid of the sheep, didn't seem to be as interested in them as he was in the "professional" dog who was working the sheep. Although he seemed very interested in them when he was outside the pasture fence looking in, and not close to the action. I think he'll be ready in several weeks. It was a good first experience for him.

Last night we got to play WoW together for the first time in a long time. And I mostly didn't die repeatedly!

Friday night, after searching unsuccessfully for dried/chipped beef in the grocery store after work, I instead made a yummy shepherd's pie for dinner (with MDad's help and tasty green beans, of course). Very yummy and fulfilling. Mom managed to find some chipped beef, though, so sometime soon we'll be able to make one of MDad's favorite comfort foods from childhood: creamed chipped beef on toast. I'm up for trying most new foods, of course, but I think it's equally important to expose little Murky to slices of both Dad's and Mom's childhoods. On a similar note, this Wednesday we'll be leaving for my hometown in Maine for a long weekend. I look forward to visiting friends, seeing the old sights and, of course, eating some lobsters!

1 comment:

G-Fav said...

Holy cow, I totally forgot about MDad's addiction back at "the Mag" to s___-on-a-shingle (as my mom called it).
