Friday, July 6, 2007

Letter to Murky

Dear Murky,
Yesterday you discovered Mommy's bladder. Although Mommy's bladder has caused her trouble off and on over the years, necessitating many highway stops, trips to the doctor for urinary tract infections, etc., it is still a very nice bladder, and Mommy would like to keep it that way.

Please refrain from dancing on Mommy's bladder. In the same way that it will not be appropriate for you to jump on the bed, the sofa, the dog, or Daddy's crotch, it is not appropriate to jump on Mommy's internal organs. You are cute and all (even though J-Fav says that one of your 18-week ultrasound photos makes you look like a Klingon), but Mommy has to draw the line and enforce discipline somewhere. Please remember our discussion yesterday morning, wherein we discussed that every violation of my bladder is one day sooner that Daddy and I will expect you to start mowing the lawn.

Thank you for your understanding and compliance.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, wait a minute - I said a *cute* Klingon.
