Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Life with newborn

Things have been pretty calm, all told, here in MurkyFamilyLand. Andrew is a great eater and an even better sleeper. In fact, I've had to put us on a strict(ish) schedule of nursing every two hours, since at his two-day checkup he was down a pound from his birth weight. I want to make sure my milk supply is well-established: Apparently, if newborns consistently sleep through feedings it can have a devastating effect on your supply, since milk is produced as a direct response to the baby's demand. Sure, it must be great to have a newborn who sleeps for four hours at a stretch -- but not at the cost of serious breastfeeding problems later. So, needless to say, I'm up many times each night. Dad gets to do the diapers, though ;-)

Took this photo this morning during one of Andrew's "alert" periods:

I mean, really. How much cuter does it get?

Some facts about our 'Roo:
1. He hates having his diaper changed.
2. He loves being swaddled.
3. He loves being carried in the sling.
4. He has long blond peach fuzz on his earlobes (the nurses said it will fall out, but I think it's adorable).
5. He has the same birthday as Jon Stewart. He's a Sagittarius.
6. He still hasn't figured out that milk won't come out of his fist, no matter how hard he sucks.
7. He loves Dad's singing.
8. He has two grammies, an aunt, and hordes of other folks who just think he's the cat's meow!

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