Friday, December 28, 2007

One Month Old!

Andrew is one month old today! In some ways, it doesn't seem possible, and in others it seems like he's been around for longer than that (especially when he's up at 3:30 a.m. screaming). ;-)

He's starting to get a personality: especially in the mornings, we get lots of smiles when we sing to him after his first morning meal. He loves riding in his car seat (instant snooze-fest!), he likes his new swing and activity mat from Nan, and he LOVES being held -- ALL of the TIME. In fact, he very much dislikes being put down, on his back, at night. We went back to swaddling him last night, after not swaddling him for a week or so, and while he still woke up every 2 hours, there was considerably less screaming (unlike the 2 or 3 nights before).

We weighed him (unscientifically) the other day on Nan's scale -- the difference between his weight and "his-weight-plus-Dad's" was 10.8 lbs! And Mommy is back to only 4 lbs over her pre-pregnancy weight -- and Dad says that each boob must be at least 2 lbs heavier than before Andrew, so hallelujah, I think I've lost all of the baby weight!

He's slowly spacing out his daytime feedings to more like every 3 hours (instead of 2 hours). I do wish he would decide to do that at night!

This morning Daddy took Andrew and the border collies to the park for a walk while I caught up on some sleep (a half-hour feeding every 2 hours during the night -- you do the math...), then he dropped the dogs off and went to Starbucks (again with Andrew, who slept the whole time) and brought me back a latte and a scone! I felt very special and pampered. :-)

So...happy one-month birthday, my sweet boy!

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