Monday, February 2, 2009

Walking and Talking

Well, he took his time, but Roo is pretty much a full-time walker now. Just over the past week or so he's decided that walking is more fun than crawling. Daddy and I installed a baby gate at the top of the stairs this weekend, but oh my, we have so much more babyproofing to do. Case in point: I caught Roo playing in the toilet when I left him alone for 3 seconds tonight. Eww. Grody-ness aside, it's dangerous. Must put toilet lock on.

Roo now says "Bob" ("ba"); "Scout" ("ga"); "more" ("maaaahhh"); "ball" ("baaahh"); "dada;" "mama" (only occasionally -frown-); "truck;" "tree;" and probably some more that we just haven't deciphered yet. Oh yeah, "uh-oh" ("uh!").

Tonight I made fish-in-foil (cod steamed in foil packets in the oven), steamed broccoli, and Israeli couscous with veggies mixed in. Andrew chowed down on the broccoli and fish especially. I am so proud of him! Oh, a couple of weeks ago we started with peanut butter (from a jar I'd been working on, so I'm pretty sure there was no salmonella lurking); and he did fine. There's no history of peanut allergy in the family, so I hope we continue with the PB -- a quick, nutritious protein that I don't have to cook!

We were all sick over Christmas -- we had it all: upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, stomach flu (Mommy spent Christmas day puking), ear infections (Roo's right eardrum nearly ruptured at one point). It sucked. I hope the current respite continues (everyone knock wood).

Andrew likes to shake his head "no" now, when you ask him a question. Great. Can't wait for toddlerhood...

Seriously, though, I love this child madly. Of course he does the requisite irritating toddler things, but overall (and again, knock wood), he's happy, bright, sweet, and not a holy terror. Good lord, I hope I didn't just tempt fate by typing that. Are all mothers this superstitious?

1 comment:

Hezza said...

I can't believe Roo's getting so big! Already on peanut butter! Seems like that's one of the milestones between baby and little boy. Pretty soon he'll be telling you all about his karate classes and then asking to borrow the car. Enjoy these days when you can just pick him up to keep him out of trouble!
Love you!
Auntie H