Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Birthday weekend

I had a lovely, if eclectic, birthday weekend -- a day in Boston for MurkyDad's alumni softball game on Saturday (he can tell you how much "fun" it was), then down to CT, where we spent the afternoon/evening preparing a delicious homemade lobster risotto from scratch -- including homemade lobster stock made from simmering real lobster shells with wine, onions, garlic, and herbs. I won't go into detail about trying to grind the shells in the Cuisinart before boiling them in the stock, which is what the recipe suggested, but suffice it to say that 1) there was Massive Cuisinart Leakage, and 2) MDad was extraordinarily sweet and even wiped down my fishy-guts kitchen for me.

Sunday night we had delicious risotto and local corn on the cob and ice cream and cake with a thousand candles (it seemed) on it. MDad gave me sweet, sweet earrings shaped like dragonflies with my birthstone on them, and I'm also going to be treated to a prenatal spa day this weekend when we're down visiting his mom. My mom, ever the practical Yankee, gave me a day's worth of work from our local landscaper (some of my trees have grown to Lord of the Rings proportions), gift cards to Motherhood Maternity stores, and a new travel mug that can be microwaved and washed in the dishwasher (both qualities my former mug lacked; but hey, it was a free gift from the guy who sold me my car). We ended the evening on a quiet note, as Daddy worked on his computer and I worked on Daddy's afghan -- which I've been working on since January-ish...

On Monday I ate breakfast and then fasted for 3 hours for my Glucose Tolerance Test. While fasting, MDad and I worked on measuring and cutting ceiling moulding and chair rail for the nursery. After the three-hour fast, we headed to the lab so they could draw the usual 5 vials of blood (sheesh). I don't know if I passed the test or not, but the phlebotomist did tell me that my doctor should have the results today at the latest, and I didn't hear anything from him today, so I hope that's good news. I've had friends with gestational diabetes, and it doesn't sound like fun.

After the lab, we came back and put up all the chair rail and got started on the ceiling moulding -- brad nailers are fun! Then we headed down to New Haven for dinner at a fabulous Indian restaurant, where they serve, rather incongruously if you ask me, Giant Vats of Mojitos. It's really the only way I can describe it. You kind of had to be there. This was no normal mojito.

In all, a lovely, lovely birthday weekend. Oh, and Murky gave me a present, too: On Saturday morning, Daddy was able to feel him kick for the first time. What more could a girl ask for?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again! Glad it was fun!
