Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Boy

Andrew first crawled, on his hands and knees, on Friday, July 11!

This weekend we babyproofed the house and installed the new convertible car seats. I had mine checked out by the very nice, adorable police officers in the town where I work. They were SO helpful, and I feel much more confident about the seat now. Man, though, car seat manufacturers do NOT make their instructions very easy to read and follow!

Roo has 5 teeth now, and I'm pretty sure the 6th is about to pop through his upper gum. This week I hope to make some more frozen baby food cubes: peaches, apples, and sweet potatoes. One of these days I'm going to see how he likes regular white potatoes.

Don't you think they have the same smile in this picture?

1 comment:

Hezza said...

Yes. They have the same smile as Mom and Dad when they are really happy! Yea!