Thursday, August 14, 2008

Many Milestones

Goodness, it's been almost a month since I posted! Here are some milestones Andrew has reached since then:

He learned to wave the weekend before he turned 8 months old (it was Sunday, July 27, to be exact).

He pulled himself to standing on Sunday, August 10. Apparently he's been doing this at daycare off and on, but this was the first time he did it for us.

Over the past couple of days, and especially reliably at mealtimes and bath time, he's been babbling: "mamamama" and "babababa" are favorites. I had actually been wondering (and worrying) a little bit about when he was going to start babbling -- typical first-time Mommy, I know. It seems like just when I start worry about something, he up and does it! Anyway, he's also becoming fond of the hard "g" sound, but doesn't really go "gaga" yet.

That's the good news. The annoying news is that I had to take Andrew in for a doctor's visit on Monday because he'd had a terrible weekend -- bad sleep, pulling on his ears, nagging cough, and a fever by Sunday night. The verdict: an ear infection, plus "asthma-like symptoms," so the doc prescribed Albuterol every 4-6 hours (around the clock; ugh, yes, that means setting my alarm for 1:00 a.m. nightly), plus a pulmonary steroid (Pulmicort) every 12 hours, both via nebulizer. I am very concerned about this -- is he going to actually have asthma? I'll be able to ask more questions this morning at 9:00 when we go for our follow-up visit.

Oh, actually, here's piece of good news: I've hired a maid service. They start next Tuesday the 19th, and will come bi-weekly after that. God knows how I'm going to afford it, but I can't stand the grime around here anymore, and I just don't have time to get to it.

Last night I harvested 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers from the garden. They were tasty, but I wonder why the bottom halves of the cucumbers didn't fill out??

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