Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Stupid goddamn f&#$(* germs. Got a call from daycare this afternoon letting me know that Roo had a temp of 101.5. I knew this would happen. He woke up crabby, would barely eat any breakfast, and wouldn't let me put him down all morning. I'd taken the morning off so I could take him to his scheduled checkup at the pediatrician's office (for his ears and lungs -- see last week's posts). Of course, his ears and lungs were just fine, but the doctor told me his throat looked red. Great.

So today (my birthday, by the way), I had a supremely cranky, feverish child. He took one or two bites of his supper and then started screaming (I guess his throat hurts), so we skipped the bath and I put him straight to bed. I had company at (grownup) dinnertime, and then I still had to take out the trash and recycling afterwards. I'm so goddamn sick of these goddamn germs. I've said it before: I can deal with all of this WHEN HE'S NOT SICK. When he's sick, though, it just sends me over the edge. I'm supposed to be PACKING FOR VACATION, not constantly holding/nursing/soothing a poor little sick kid, like it seems I'm doing every week or so these days. And I just hate seeing him sick in general. He's so sad and pathetic. I hope he sleeps well tonight and can beat this bug quickly.


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