Sunday, July 6, 2008

We Have A Crawler!

Or, rather, a creeper. It first happened on July 2. Andrew can now push off with his legs and do sort of an "Army crawl." It's the first time he's been able to move himself forward, and it's darn cute. He's still figuring out the "up on hands and knees, belly off the floor" kind of crawl, but we think that's because he' little chubby...

Let's see, what else is new? Oh, last week we both apparently had scarlet fever (which, I didn't know, is just strep with a rash; sounds a lot worse than it is). Roo is up to 3 meals per day (8 a.m.-ish, 1 p.m.-ish, and 6 p.m.). He's eating lots of new foods since the last dietary update: prunes, peaches, mangoes, chicken, turkey, barley, lentils...the list goes on and on. Yesterday he tried some cheese. He likes it all so far! Believe it or not, he's never had green beans. I'm going to cook some up this week, puree them, and see how it goes.

This weekend we visited Nan for the Fourth; we got spoiled, and she and Aunt K babysat so we could go out to a movie AND dinner on Saturday night! We felt like actual grownups, but were still home by 9:00, and it was even still light out when we came through the door.

We're just so in love with our little boy. Every day is a new adventure, and it's just a joy watching him explore the big, beautiful world. At dinner last night, we of course spent a great deal of time talking about Andrew and his personality. He's pretty laid back most of the time, actually, but when he decides to melt down it's sudden and spectacular. He does NOT like to be left alone for any period of time; in fact, if you walk up to him when he's playing quietly by himself, make eye contact, and then walk away, he becomes despondent! He love animals; he's been around dogs and cats his whole life. He's great on car trips, and he loves being outdoors. He's not a big snuggler, except when he's tired or upset. He's getting to the age when he perpetually wants to be doing something: playing, crawling, etc. His face lights up when someone he knows smiles at him. He likes to be read to, except lately he seems most interested in eating board books :-) What an absolute joy. I feel so lucky to be his mama!

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