Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oh So Big

Andrew is outgrowing everything: his infant car seat/carrier and his bouncy seat in particular. We bought 2 convertible car seats last week (one for Dad's car and one for mine), which we'll install this weekend. It's a must-do, since at his 6 month (and 3 week) visit, Roo weighed 20 lbs, 11.2 ounces and was 28 inches long. The limit for the Graco SnugRide infant car seat is 22 lbs and 29 inches! What happened to my tiny little newborn???

So, what the HECK am I going to do when he can't hang out in the bouncy seat while I'm getting ready in the morning anymore? He's already frustrated with it, and I've taken to sitting him with toys in his bassinet, which is still set up in my bedroom (even though he sleeps in his own room in the crib these days). But once he starts pulling himself up, all bets are off -- no more using the bassinet as a playpen. I need ideas! Do I just plop him back in his crib with some toys while I brush my teeth, get dressed, etc? I've already given up morning showers in favor of bathing after he goes to bed, so as to minimize the length of our mornings...but I don't think he'll tolerate being sequestered in his crib, in another room. He wants to be near me all the time, and I know he'll scream if I leave him alone.

I could put him in the exersaucer, but that's downstairs in the living room, so same problem. There's not enough room anywhere upstairs for any sort of play yard, and it certainly couldn't be anywhere near where I'm doing my morning ablutions or getting dressed. Help!

Roo had a terrible weekend - he had his shots at his well-child visit on Thursday afternoon, and spiked a fever the next day, requiring me to pick him up from daycare basically as soon as I arrived at my first-thing-in-the-morning meeting. Sigh -- poor kid. He was whiny, didn't sleep well, and didn't eat well basically through Sunday afternoon. He's been OK since then, but now he has a raised, sandpapery rash on his legs and arms. It doesn't seem to bother him, but I'm wondering if it's a) a reaction to one or more of the vaccines, or b) the result of a virus he picked up, which could have explained the fever on Friday. Who knows? He seems happy enough, though, and he's eating and sleeping normally.

The garden is doing well! I'll post some pictures of it soon. This weekend I hope to trellis the cucumbers, squashes, and tomatoes. I had to thin the bush bean seedlings last night :-( It was sad; sort of like selective reduction. But I had 15 plants growing in a container only designed for 9. At least the culled seedlings went to a good cause: the composter! Oh, and the marigold seeds I planted in the spaces in my veggie planters have sprouted :-) Let's hope they keep the bug population down.

Oh, and the oregano finally sprouted. I wasn't sure if those little teeny-weeny things in the planter were oregano babies, but Mom suggested I taste one (duh!) -- Yup, oregano!

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