Saturday, June 14, 2008

General Update

Can I just say, I'm glad Andrew's not yet eating less thing to worry about for now. And, of course, I'm growing the container vegetable garden on the back patio, which includes tomatoes. Clockwise from upper left: cucumbers, beets, tomato, tomato, beans, summer squash, buttercup squash (hmm, I may need to transplant that one later on).

The baby Patio Tomato plants:

The herbs (not-yet-sprouted oregano; the basil; the rosemary):

The basil, which is bolting (eek!):


College friend K, her husband M, and their baby boy H (not quite 6 weeks younger than Roo) visited Thursday night and stayed over until Friday morning. They were most gracious in forgiving my pet-hair-encrusted home. M even made a delicious dinner, which we enjoyed after the baby boys went to sleep. We even cracked open a bottle of wine, which we drank while recounting our birth stories. Funny how, when you're a new mom, "adult" conversation still consists of talking about contractions, episiotomies, and poo... Still, it was nice that they visited, and even nicer feeling like a grownup again.

Sigh; Andrew is in the Pack and Play downstairs here, next to the couch, attempting (unsuccessfully) to nap...this may end with howling...

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