The baby Patio Tomato plants:
The herbs (not-yet-sprouted oregano; the basil; the rosemary):
The basil, which is bolting (eek!):
College friend K, her husband M, and their baby boy H (not quite 6 weeks younger than Roo) visited Thursday night and stayed over until Friday morning. They were most gracious in forgiving my pet-hair-encrusted home. M even made a delicious dinner, which we enjoyed after the baby boys went to sleep. We even cracked open a bottle of wine, which we drank while recounting our birth stories. Funny how, when you're a new mom, "adult" conversation still consists of talking about contractions, episiotomies, and poo... Still, it was nice that they visited, and even nicer feeling like a grownup again.
Sigh; Andrew is in the Pack and Play downstairs here, next to the couch, attempting (unsuccessfully) to nap...this may end with howling...
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