Monday, June 2, 2008


How am I aggravated today? Let me count the ways:

1. The time sheets were an absolute disaster this morning. These people can get master's degrees, but they can't figure out how to account for the hours they worked during a week when we had a holiday. Even after we discussed it at a staff meeting, at great length.
2. Payroll made me late for a meeting at town hall. The meeting was boring.
3. A VERY annoying customer called me and gave me a sob story, which I'm pretty sure was a lie (certain facts did not match up), saying she returned 3 items, which I know she probably didn't. On a normal day, I'd just wipe her account and make her go away. Today I refuse to do it -- and so I know she's going to be back with a vengeance. My department heads and I have all had bad run-ins with her in the past.
4. I got to work on the performance evaluations for all of 20 minutes before I got a call from daycare saying they suspected Roo has pinkeye. Great. So, I was out of work around 2:30, at which point I left a voice mail for my mom and one for my neighbor (tomorrow is not a day I can be away from work easily: union mediation meeting and a library department heads meeting). I also left voice mail for my deputy, and called the personnel director, just in case I couldn't get alternative child care tomorrow (typically, kids have to be be on pinkeye medication for a full 24 hours before returning to daycare, even if their symptoms are gone). Stopped home quickly to let the dog out and pick up a copy of the prescription medicine dispensation permission slip thingy (in case the daycare had to administer eye drops), then went to pick up Andrew to take him to the pediatrician.
5. Was informed when I got to daycare that I'd forgotten to leave Roo's blankie there this morning. I am the Worst Mommy Ever.
6. At the pediatrician's office, the doctor (not Roo's regular doc) was snippy with me about his alternative vaccination schedule. I explained that he's getting all of his vaccines on time, but that we're staggering them, so instead of getting 5 shots at 4 months and 5 shots at 6 months, for instance, he's doing more of a "3 at 4 months, 4 at 5 months, and 3 at 6 months" thing. It STILL ADDS UP TO ALL OF HIS SHOTS, BY THE STATE-IMPOSED DEADLINES. I've run it by his regular pediatrician, as well as the daycare center director, and they're both fine with it!
7. Andrew was nearly inconsolable this evening when we got home from the pediatrician, pharmacy, etc.
8. I was so upset after this that I stopped by McDonald's and got a Big Mac meal for supper. Of course, Andrew was so cranky I got like 5 bites of it before it got cold.
9. I threw the clean laundry from the washer into the dryer when I got home. But Andrew's shrieks distracted me, and I neglected to turn the damn thing on, so when I went to empty it at 8:45 it was still soaking wet. So, my sleep bra is unavailable, so I'm using the silicone LilyPadz, which will probably give me a plugged duct or something.
10. The cat threw up a hairball on the Welcome mat. Welcome home, Mom.

The GOOD news:
1. It's not pinkeye, so he can go to daycare tomorrow. He is, however, working on another ear infection (most likely due to the head cold we assumed was actually teething last week), so he's on antibiotics again, for 10 days.
2. As soon as I gave him his supper, plus a dose of antibiotics, plus some Infant Motrin (MAGICAL stuff, by the way), he was his usual happy, if slightly tired, self. I even managed to interest him in his bath, and he was nursed and put to bed by around 7:30.
3. I remembered to give Bob his heartworm pill :-)

Anyway, I'm really still pissed about the pediatrician and his snarkiness about the vaccines. I wonder if he gives mothers who formula-feed guilt trips about the risks at which they're putting their babies? There's just as much research out there -- more, really -- on that topic as there is about why certain vaccines "must" be given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, etc. Just don't even get me frigging started tonight.

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