Friday, May 30, 2008

Six months old, and sleeping better

I think this teething thing is going to be a long slog. Does he really get twenty-something more baby teeth??? Oy.

In any case, Andrew has seemed cheerier the past couple of days, although he's still waking up at least once in the middle of the night. Last night, he woke just before midnight. I did my usual routine of letting him make noise for a while, but he didn't manage to put himself back to sleep, so I ended up having to go in and nurse him back down at about 12. He did, however, go back to sleep until about 5:30, at which point he made noise right about the time my alarm clock was going off, but then he immediately fell back asleep and didn't actually get up until 6:45, when I had to wake him in time to nurse, get dressed, and get out of the house on time.

It's interesting -- the flip side of your baby sleeping longer is that you have to time your morning differently. For instance, I'd really rather shower after I nurse him -- otherwise there's not much point in getting clean, only to have milk spray everywhere as I'm toweling off (warm showers do it every time). He's pretty good-natured about sitting in the bouncy seat in the bathroom while I shower, especially if there's a cat or dog in there with us.

So yes, our boy turned six months old on Wednesday. He's REALLY good at sitting up all by himself now; he's been doing it for weeks. He hasn't figured out how to push himself to a sitting position from lying down or anything, though, and although he's really interested in crawling, there hasn't really been a major breakthrough there, either. He just kind of pivots on his belly button. It's cute. I'm enjoying it while it lasts -- crawling is going to open up a whole new world of Baby Dangers. Sigh. Am thinking of getting a series of gate thingies to make a play yard in the living room...or I could just use the Pack and Play if I need to "park" him temporarily. Already bought 2 toilet locks for when he's walking; must also think about electrical outlets, corners of furniture, stashing chokables, securing bookcases... I'm scared.

Tonight my coworker D and I went to a local nursery and she helped me pick out some flowers for my planters (she's, like, WICKED good at this stuff). I'm psyched to plant them tomorrow. Will try and remember to take pictures. I really should take pics of the outside of the house, since the rhododendrons are blooming right now and are gorgeous. My house actually looks almost presentable. Well, the front yard, anyway.

I'm having a couple other mommies and kids from Andrew's class over for brunch on Sunday morning. It's potluck and should be fun and relaxing (I've already told them my house isn't spotless and that I don't particularly care). Must remember to throw together a quiche with the spinach and mushrooms that are lurking in the fridge tomorrow night. I heart quiche.

Oh, I forgot to mention that when I had him at the doctor's office the other day, the nurse weighed him in case they had to prescribe anything: 19 lbs, 14 ounces (clothed and diapered). He is such a big boy!

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