Monday, May 19, 2008

Lovely weekend; Baby food

We had a great weekend with the girls (my friends from high school). We did our usual thing of hanging out, eating a LOT (barbecue lunch plus lasagna dinner plus waffles/quiche brunch...oh my!), watching movies, playing games, and shooting the shit.

Andy-Roo enjoyed our barbecue -- Daddy brought his high chair outside so he could join in the fun:

Is that ridiculously cute or what? And we learned that cucumber slices are great for teething :-)

Speaking of food, before I forget I should document what Roo's first foods have been, in order (observing the 4-day-wait between foods, of course, to rule out any reactions):

1. Brown rice cereal, mixed with breast milk
2. Sweet potatoes
3. Bananas
4. Avocado
5. Pears
6. Peas

I mix #2-6 with cereal too, of course. We're looking forward to the following soon: Oatmeal, apples, carrots, and maybe even some yogurt. I'm debating which other cereals to look into (millet, barley, etc.), and trying to decide when to start lean meats (fish, turkey, chicken). Some say 6 months, others say 8. He's pretty robust, so there doesn't seem to be a need for protein quite yet, although since he IS so robust, he can probably handle meat. Then again, I've read that their fluid intake needs to be increased if they're taking in a lot of protein, and he hasn't quite mastered the sippy cup yet (he's been practicing getting a teaspoon or so of water with his supper each night).

This age is SO fun. I love the look on his little face when he tries a new food, and I think it's adorable how he gets so messy and smooshy. Everything is new to him -- who knew there were so many foods? Think of all the fruits and veggies that I can instill a love of in him!


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