Saturday, June 14, 2008

Semi-productive day

This morning, Andrew was up before 6. I fed him, brought him downstairs, and entertained him for the next couple of hours, until Daddy came downstairs (one of his Father's Day presents was being allowed to sleep in this morning). After Dad mowed the lawn, we headed out to BJ's for cheap diapers (for use at daycare; we personally prefer Pampers at home), detergent/OxiClean, and other miscellaneous goods. We also stopped by Agway so I could buy garden fertilizer and some other necessities. Just before heading home, we picked up some asparagus at the supermarket.

Tonight, as a sort of pre-Father's Day dinner, I prepared a mushroom risotto with seared bay scallops and asparagus. Yummy! We even had some wine, and Andrew managed to wait long enough to eat dinner that we could actually all "dine" together (Daddy got to do the Spooning of Mush into Roo between bites of risotto).

I fertilized the veggies and my flowerpots this afternoon, with "fish and seaweed emulsion." The smell of it totally reminds me of growing up in coastal Maine ;-) I'm hoping that the thunderstorm currently overhead doesn't whip the wind into a frenzy or send hail down on my poor little baby plants.

And why the heck are garden hoses so darned expensive these days? Fifty feet for $25.00??? I'll water my plants with the $7 watering can, then.

Oh, and I've been trying out hypermiling. Today wasn't so great, because we had to run the AC, but over 80-90 miles of mixed (both city and highway) driving on Thursday/Friday, I got 29.5 mpg in my Honda CR-V!

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