Wednesday, June 11, 2008

SuperWoman Day

I honestly don't know how I did it all today. I write this, not to brag, but to remind myself of my potential at some later date when I'm berating myself for "only" getting the bare minimum of work, chores, etc. done:

I got up just before 6 a.m. Actually, I woke naturally at around 4:30, because it was light out. Silly summertime. Since we'd lost electricity due to a thunderstorm just before 11 last night, I'd woken up then to check on Andrew, and immediately went back to bed. This means I got 5.5 hours of consecutive sleep! Anyway, after the 4:30 waking (and baby check), I went back to bed until the Roo woke up at 5:45ish, and we were up for the day.

Somehow I managed to get out of the house by 7 a.m., so I got to work early. Whoa. I even brought the dog with me -- he was thrilled!

Left work at 12:30 (remember, Wednesday is my short day), fully intending to come home and spend many hours cleaning, organizing, and tidying my house in preparation for tomorrow night's overnight visit from my college friend K, her husband M, and their baby H. However, when I left work I realized that it was an absolutely gorgeous day, and that the humidity of the previous two days was gone, and that I positively HAD to plant flowers, or vegetables, or something. My coworker D had told me that it's not too late to put some things in the ground, and I'd picked up a few books on gardening (including one on container gardening of vegetables and herbs).

So, here's how the afternoon and evening went, from 12:30 on:

12:30-1: Drove home
1-2: Dropped off dog at home, put breast milk in the fridge, changed into scrubby clothes, cleaned nursery, sorted laundry, put a load of laundry in the washer, collected mail, cleaned out the fridge, cleaned the litterbox, gathered garbage/recycling, tidied breezeway a bit, rearranged the spare bedroom so that K and her family will actually be able to fit in it tomorrow night.
2-2:30: Went to Agway and bought seeds, plants, and planters.
2:30-4:30: Had a grand old time planting tomato plants, a rosemary plant (which will probably not do so well, but hey), and seeds as follows: red beets, orange beets, zucchini, yellow squash, buttercup squash (I'm also not holding out much hope for that), bush beans, and cucumbers. These are all currently in containers on my patio, but can obviously be moved or transplanted. And hey, if nothing comes of them, who cares? I got lots of sunshine and got to feel like a grownup this afternoon.
4:30-5: Cleaned up myself and the patio, switched out the laundry for a new load, went to pick up Roo at daycare.
5-5:30: Got Roo home, unpacked his bottles, etc. and put them to soak in the sink, nursed him.
5:30: Grocery delivery girl came. Put away all the groceries.
6:00: Video chat with MDad while feeding Roo his supper (peas and cereal).
6:30: Grammy stopped by and helped give Roo his bath, fed the dog, etc. I remembered to give Roo his final dose of ear antibiotics.
7:00: Nursed Roo again and put him to bed.
7:30: Cooked a salmon fillet; ate half of it with Soy Vay teriyaki sauce (I love that stuff).
8-9: Dusted and vacuumed living room, vacuumed the downstairs and the stairwell, washed the kitchen floor, did all the baby/breastpump dishes by hand, ran the dishwasher, tidied the kitchen, took out the second load of laundry, got coffeepot ready for tomorrow morning.
9:00: Took a shower. Hallelujah!

The only things I didn't get to do were pay some bills (these are some that are not able to be paid online); pack my breakfast/lunch for tomorrow; and pack Roo's jar of baby food and 1/4 cup of dry cereal for tomorrow. But I can do all of those things in the morning. Sleep now!

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