Thursday, May 31, 2007

...and my body is no longer my own...

OK; those of you out there who have had babies will read this and say "Yeah? So what?" but, since one of the purposes of this blog is to chronicle my pregnancy -- the good and the bad -- I've got to post about the lovely changes to my body that have been going on recently.

1. I have a lot more blood in me, and it likes to come out of unusual places.
For example: I 've had a few spectacular nosebleeds lately. In addition to the increased blood volume caused by pregnancy, I think this was compounded by the fact that this is the Worst Allergy Season Ever for me (and many others), and that I can't take any medication for it, due to my condition. Correction: the doctor said I can take medications, but none that actually work. I've tried Claritin for the allergy symptoms (it's crap) and Tylenol for the headaches (might as well just hit myself over the head with a 2x4). No Aleve. No Sudafed. So most days I walk around in a kind of fog -- not just because of the headache and head congestion, but because my contacts are coated in pollen, too...which brings me to

2. My contacts don't fit anymore. I'd heard that this might happen. My frog-belly isn't the only thing that's changing shape these days; apparently my corneas are suffering from some sort of sympathy expansion or something. "Wear your contacts less, and your glasses more," say the books and websites. Well, my glasses are more than 4 years old and not quite strong enough, so whatever I do -- contacts or not -- I'm going to be walking around squinting like an 80-year-old.

3. My gums are sensitive. I went to the dentist recently, and he tried out these new-fangled tiny-bristled brushes that go between your teeth and work even better than floss. It felt great, like a dental shiatsu massage; trouble was, I bled like a stuck pig. It was truly a spectacular eruption of blood from my gums. "That's normal for pregnant women," said my elderly male dentist, smiling. He is so cute. Anyway, I'm apparently more prone to gingivitis now, so I'm trying to take extra care of my teeth, and thus I've taken to swishing with Listerine every time I brush. Listerine, even in its new "Natural Citrus" flavor, is still as grody as I remember it being when I was a kid and wanted to emulate the grownups by gargling. I am still traumatized by that incident, but we won't go there right now.

4. I have Perma-Headache. It's always there to varying degrees, like an annoying bug bite. Only it hurts more than a bug bite, of course.

5. Now the good news: my skin has not broken out for a couple of months now (I usually get monthly PMS zits). I'm pretty sure my lactose intolerance has abated. My boobs look fantastic. And so far, it looks like I've only gained about 5 pounds.

So there are the ugly or not-so-ugly details.

Still having those ambiguous little flutters in the tummy. The doppler is currently on a truck in Ohio, according to DHL. No news of the Bella Bands or Buffalo Undies.

MurkyDad and I are going up to Maine in July to a yearly festival in my hometown. We're staying at a B&B there, and we'll probably get together with some of my high school friends at some point. It'll be nice to get back to Hometown before the baby is born. I want to take a preg-photo of us there :-)

Somehow I've managed to reserve enough energy to do laundry and some other chores tonight. Off to put the first load into the dryer and the second into the washer...

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