Thursday, May 24, 2007

First Official Post

Well, it's official: We're having a baby!

I've waited until now, when I'm just about out of the first trimester (or well out of it, depending on which trimester guide you go by), to start preggy-blogging. As you may know, my first pregnancy, during my first marriage, ended in miscarriage at about 8 weeks, and I was heartbroken. So I was a bit concerned about this one, too. But we've already been to 3 appointments, all showing strong, fast heartbeats, and 2 of those with ultrasounds -- both of which showed a reasonable-enough looking blob that, I assume, is going to wind up as an infant (or an alien). I'll post those ultrasound shots as soon as I can scan them.

Anyway, my due date is November 26, which puts me at 13 weeks, 3 days today. I've been feeling remarkably fine, except for about 6 weeks of bone-crushing exhaustion that ended, mercifully, about a week or so ago (although I still get retardedly tired between about 4:30 and 7:30 each night). I've only had a few moments -- knock wood -- of semi-nausea, but I am a little concerned that I haven't had much of an appetite lately, since I'm not actually sick. Shouldn't I be wanting to devour everything in sight?

Emotionally, I'm doing OK -- or as OK as can be expected with the hormones that are ravaging my bloodstream, causing me to be a raging bitch one moment and a weepy wimp the next. I haven't told everyone at work yet (I am a library administrator), except for a few close advisors and my assistant. I hope to wait until after my 16-week appointment (June 11) to break the news; by then, I'll probably be pretty obviously showing.

I've had a few weird fluttery, rolling feelings in my abdomen here and there over the past week. As time goes by and the baby gets bigger and kickier, I'll be able to decide whether what I'm feeling sporadically now is the baby or just gas (although it feels different from any gas I've ever felt before -- sorry if too much info!)

BabyDaddy and I are pretty sure we want to find out the sex of the baby ahead of time, if possible. Maybe they'll be able to tell at the next ultrasound. Why not?

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