Wednesday, August 8, 2007

So much to do

One of the cruel twists of being exhausted is the irritating appearance of insomnia at inopportune times. I was hoping, after spending all morning house-hunting with Mom, followed by a full day at work (ending after 9:00 p.m.), to come home and just fall asleep. No dice. I think it's because I'm worried about how much I have to get done between now and B-Day on or around November 26. So, to facilitate a clean, fresh mind before bed, I'm going to dump that list here on the blog:

In no particular order:
1. Find a home for Mom. If you know me and/or my Mom, you know that this means hours of house-hunting, advising her re financing, discussions about her budget, getting her to transfer her job to another town (she works for a large supermarket chain), packing and moving, and of course getting all of her utilities, etc. set up.
2. Arrange for daycare after my 12-week maternity leave is up. This will involve making appointments at several places near where I work and visiting on my lunch hours over the course of the next several weeks. Target for choosing a daycare and -- hopefully -- reserving a slot: end of August.
3. Work on getting out of the lease on my 2-door Acura coupe. Obviously, I leased this car not imagining a baby in the back. I mean, it can be done, but past experience buckling my dog into the back (yes, my dog has a safety harness that he wears on long car trips) has not been pleasant. I want a four-door car.
4. Clean out the nursery. It's been used as a spare (read: "junk") room for the 3+ years I've been in the house.
5. Find a good pediatrician.
6. Consider selling my house -- financially and geographically, it's probably not going to work out long-term. If I sell it, it'll be pretty much the same process as #1, with the added "enjoyment" of getting and keeping the house looking as good as possible, inside and out. At all times. While pregnant or with a newborn around.
7. Cancel gym membership. It's a waste of $33/month because I never use it.
8. Ensure Full Baby Readiness -- research and then buy or register for all manner of gear; take childbirth/newborn care classes.
9. Come up with a birthing plan.
10. Sign up for a Flex Spending Account, which is a great place to park money tax-free, for things like child care and unreimbursed medical expenses. Problem is, I have to wait until late this calendar year to sign up for an account beginning January 1st, and I'll be a little...busy at that point!

On top of this, continue to do the following:
-Clean the house (if you can call what I manage to get done "cleaning").
-Pay the bills.
-Work full-time (and then some, given the nature of my position).
-Care for the pets.

So yeah. No sweat, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

argh, I can totally relate-- I had similar lists during my 3rd tri. If you want unsolicited advice (hah, who does, really?), I'd say definitely spend time on the pediatrician search. It makes such a difference to have someone you trust and like from the very beginning. But don't stress about the junk room -- it'll all get done. They sleep a *lot* at first, really they do!
