Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Not a happy camper

What the hell is wrong with people today? Has everyone decided to jump on the Cranky Train??? Work is a nightmare today.

Today has been a steady stream of people with problems, demands, issues, bad moods, etc. -- most of which are their own damn fault. Not mine. Sorry guys; I'm walking around with an extra 30 pounds, I'm tired from waking up several times in the middle of the night, I have swollen ankles, heartburn, vomit burps, and a nonexistent bladder, and I still manage to keep from having temper tantrums at work. Do you think you could maybe try and do the same? Is that really too much to ask? Grow the hell up.

I would love to go home and go to bed early tonight, but I have to do laundry and housecleaning and at least make up a grocery list so I can go shopping tomorrow night. And it turns out I have to be in earlier than usual tomorrow morning to meet with a flooring guy to go over carpet samples before I then have to spend the rest of the morning doing preliminary interviews with 5 job candidates. Then I have a working lunch with 2 staff members, and then at some point my whiniest (emotionally retarded) staff member is going to show up in my office to discuss "some things." Ugh.

At last night's pediatrician open house, one of the couples that was in our childbirth class was also in attendance. The mom-to-be is due in 9 days, and she has recently stopped working (she's going back in March). Oh, how lovely that would be. Her ankles, which she had put up all day (including during her naps), were sleek and slender. I have angry red dents in my calves where my socks have become too tight for my bloated legs and feet. It is so attractive. And despite the fact that I consumed about 100 oz of liquids (mostly water) yesterday, my hands are still dry and papery, and my ring still doesn't fit onto its usual finger. How is that possible? Isn't drinking vast amounts of water supposed to reduce fluid retention?

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