Monday, January 28, 2008

Two Whole Months

Our boy is two months old today, the 28th. We discussed this last night; it seems, in many ways, like it's been a lot longer! Perhaps it's the sleep deprivation, or just that we can't imagine life without him now, but two months seems like an awfully short time for him to have accomplished so much:

-Increasing his birth weight by 50%
-Learning to focus on faces and other objects
-Learning to smile, coo, and even giggle a little (those just pierce the heart!)
-Figuring out how to turn his head from side to side (he's been able to hold it up from Day 1)
-Going from eating every 90 minutes to sometimes going 5 hours between feedings, at night at least (hallelujah!)
-Learning to love his bath
-Learning to flirt

And there are so many other things. He's really changed so very much in only two short months. Last night Daddy commented that Andrew is starting to look like a little boy and not just "EveryBaby."

I feel like I've grown, too, as a parent. What I think I'll never learn, though, is how to deal with the constant juxtaposition of unutterable joy, and at the same time abject terror, that comes with being a mother. This is, without a doubt, the most humbling experience I've ever had, and I'm so grateful for it.

Happy 2-month birthday, my beautiful son.

Friday, January 25, 2008


I just had Andrew in the sling for about half an hour. He fell asleep in it, so I had the chance not only to clip his nails, but to file them as well. What a sense of accomplishment!

I've also had the chance to empty the dishwasher, do the recycling and garbage, put in a couple of loads of laundry, straighten the living room, and tidy the kitchen (a bit) today, mostly while Andrew's been napping. I would like to empty the garbage pail down in the laundry room, but I noticed a large spider behind it, so that will have to wait until MDad comes home. I don't do spiders.

Daycare visit

I took Andrew to meet his daycare "teachers" this morning. It went well, except for the fact that he fell asleep during the 2-minute car ride there and then woke up cranky while I was talking to the teachers. Not a good first impression, little guy! Anyway, the teachers seem pretty nice, but I still don't want to leave my little boy. I almost started crying on the way out to the car afterwards. Ugh.

On a lighter note, I downloaded John Lithgow's "Singin' in the Bathtub" album from iTunes yesterday, and Andrew really seems to like it. It's an album I've enjoyed for some years (I always checked it out of the library). A particular favorite of Andrew's is "I Had a Rooster." I sing it for him during diaper changes, complete with ridiculous animal noises, and it almost always elicits smiles and giggles :-D

I have to send in the paperwork for copies of Andrew's birth certificate. The form says to send check, SASE, and "Photo ID." Photo ID of whom??? And since we're conducting this transaction by mail, what does it matter if I have photo ID? How the hell would they know? Am I supposed to send my actual ID or a copy? What a dumb requirement!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

8 Weeks Old

Our little man is 8 weeks old today. Where has the time gone? It's been a blur of round-the-clock feedings, travel, and exciting milestones like his first smile, his umbilical stump falling off, and the first time he slept more than 3 hours in a row...

Andrew has an ever-increasing "vocabulary" of coos and gurgles. I swear that sometimes, as he's waking up, he says something that sounds just like "heyyyy." It's totally cute. He'll also carry on a conversation with you, if he's in a good mood. Just keep talking to him, and smiling, and he's all yours.

Our days usually unfold like this: Andrew wakes up between 6 and 7 a.m. to eat, and then he usually goes back to sleep for another hour or so. I'm hoping to back his sleep schedule up a little bit before I go back to work in mid-February. Ideally, I'd have him in bed by 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. at the absolute latest, and have him up for the day around 7:00. As it is right now, his primary sleeping hours are between 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Anyway, once he's up for the day, we do the compulsory diaper and wardrobe change. Andrew usually screams throughout most of this. I have a feeling that shopping for school clothes, and the required dressing-room time that goes along with it, are not going to be fun when he's older...although he does seem to like being naked, so each morning I give him a little "nudie" time before trapping him in those awful, horrible mean clothes for the rest of the day.

Morning is usually a very "smiley" time for Andrew, so I try and grab the camera and capture as much of it as possible. By noon, he's ready for a nap and is usually a little fussy. Today I managed to pump both breasts during his nap (into clean containers this time!), but of course he woke up 15 minutes after I pumped and was not a happy camper when he realized how hard he had to work to extract milk.

Every day, Andrew is worn for at least a little while in his Snugli. Today I carried him in the Snugli while I ate lunch, caught up on some emails and thank-you notes, and made some medical appointments over the phone.

After his mid-day nap and a meal, we try for some tummy time or bouncy-seat time. I show him books and toys while he's doing these things, and frequently I'll play music -- real music, not freaky kid music, like Barney or the Wiggles or anything...there'll be time for that later on, when he demands it.

By the time Daddy gets home, Andrew's frequently ready for another nap, but he may or may not actually fall asleep. Sometimes Daddy gets a few minutes of smiley time before Andrew starts his fussy period, which can last anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours. By dinnertime, we can usually either put him down to sleep or at least occupy him in the bouncy seat while we eat.

Later on, it's time for a bath and then bed. Andrew's become a real fan of baths, and he only cries when we take him out -- it's cold when you're all wet! After being dried off, lotioned (he's inherited my dry skin), dressed in a sleeper, and fed, he's usually out like a light. Usually ;-)

These pictures were taken today, on his 8-week birthday. The "Rocket Scientist" tee was a Christmas gift from the extremely wardrobely-talented Auntie K :-D

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Liquid Gold...Squandered!

I am so sad, and SO mad at myself. I just had to throw away almost 5 ounces of breast milk.

This afternoon, for the first time in a long time, I found time to pump. Precious little time, mind you, as Andrew started screaming about 10 minutes after I started. But I managed to get about 2.5 ounces, and I was excited about perhaps having MDad give Andrew the "dream feed" tonight.

After I'd taken apart the breast pump and its assorted parts and dumped the contents of both collection containers into one, I noticed something floating in the milk. It was dark bluish-green.

It was mold. Or mildew, or something.

Apparently, the last time I'd washed out the collection containers, I hadn't done a thorough-enough job, or there'd been some milk in one of them, or something. Anyway, it was GROSS, and I felt like the Worst Mother in the World. To top it off, there was a container with about 2 oz still in the fridge from last week, which of course had been in there too long and was no longer safe to drink, so I had to throw that out too. I literally feel an almost physical grief about this.

The good news, I guess, is that all of the breast pump parts, the collection containers, bottles, nipples, and other items related to feeding Andrew are freshly washed, in very hot water, and are air drying.

Lesson learned. Ick.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Baby Pictures

Today MDad and I quickly looked through a few of my baby pictures. We're still trying to decide who he looks most like, but honestly, when we put Andrew next to one of my baby pictures, he looks like me, and when we put him next to one of MDad's baby photos, he looks like MDad. He's truly a blend!

Hope to post some comparison photos at some point, but it will involve finding the photo scanner and being organized and stuff, and, well, that's asking a lot with a 7-week-old...

Just had a nice weekend with MurkyNan, and this coming weekend my HS girlfriends are coming to visit -- good times! Can't wait.

Andrew is lying on the couch next to me, and is dangerously close to learning how to roll over. Amazing how quickly they change and grow. He's going to figure out how to find and suck his thumb any day now, and his vocalizations are more diverse with each new day. He's very advanced -- of course, he's trying to eat his blankie at the moment, which is less than smart...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seven Weeks Old

Andrew is 7 weeks old today. He's turning into such a big boy -- sometimes going almost 5 hours between feedings at night, holding his head up, looking around, smiling up a storm (especially when we videochat with Nan at night; she doesn't believe us when we tell her about his fussy spells!). He's really starting to interact with his world, which is fun to watch. Every day there's something new: a new coo or squeak, fascination with the toys dangling from his bouncy seat, working on finding his thumb or fist to suck on (one of his favorite pastimes). While I was pregnant, I was fairly certain (from his pattern of movements, many of which were down low in my belly, near his head) that his hands were jammed up near his face. Perhaps his thumb frequently made it into his mouth, and that's why he's developing this oral fixation now. I do try to save the pacifier for emergencies, but it really does seem to soothe him, especially through transitions -- into the Snugli, into or out of the car seat, etc.

He's already outgrowing his newborn-sized outfits, and he even fits handily into some 3-month clothes! I had him weighed on 1/11: 11 lbs, 4 oz.

My left breast is about half the size of my right breast, and I think it produces substantially less milk, but I still need to nurse Andrew on both sides, so nursing on the left side takes FOREVER! Apparently this is not uncommon. But it is weird.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I Totally Pwned the Grocery Store

Today (before lunchtime, no less), Andrew and I went to the supermarket. The house was pretty much devoid of food owing to the fact that we'd been gone for several weeks for the holidays, so we were out of basically everything.

Somehow, despite the fact that Andrew's car seat took up almost the entire basket portion, we managed to fill the shopping cart (and the space under the cart) with fruit, vegetables, potatoes/onions/garlic/shallots (Mommy's gotta have her staple foods!), lunch meat, assorted breads, seltzer (New Year's resolution: stop buying/drinking soda), a whole chicken (to be roasted later this week), bleach, a disposable roasting pan, pasta, tomato sauce, eggs, milk, tuna, baked chips...and much, much more. I felt like a big stud -- and combine this with the fact that no fewer than two people expressed great surprise when I told them how old Andrew is ("You don't look like you just had a baby 5 weeks ago!"). The icing on the cake was the very nice young man who, in addition to bagging my groceries, wheeled them out to the car and loaded them for me -- I mean, I could fit all of those things individually into the car seat/shopping cart crevices, but there ain't no way in hell they were going in after being bagged!

I must say, a baby is a great conversation piece. Anywhere I go, folks (usually nice middle-aged or older ladies) peer into the car seat and say something like "Awww, sweet baby," or "How old is he?" and we end up having a very nice conversation.

My 6-week postpartum checkup with the OB/GYN is this Friday morning. I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be developing thrush in my nipples (recall that I was on antibiotics a few weeks ago for mastitis; thrush is a possible side effect of antibiotics). I can't tell if the white coating on Andrew's tongue gets better after he's done nursing, or whether it's permanent (seeing as how he nurses all the damn time). But I've been experiencing sharp and achy pains in both breasts for a few days. Ugh -- from what I've read on the internet, it's a total pain in the ass to cure thrush: ointments, boiling all pacifiers and nipples for 20 minutes a day, washing bath towels after only one use, air-drying nipples for substantial amounts of time each day. Oy. So, we'll see...

Cute photo of my Bobbin taken this morning:

He's such a good boy. I feel guilty about not spending as much time with him now that Andrew is here, but he seems to be taking it fairly well.

I'm going to try and take a nap before my friend J arrives for a visit. Mmm, nap...let's see if Andrew will nap, too...

Domestic goddess?

Alas. This morning, MDad went back to work (the semester started today). We've been spoiled the past month, able to be side by side taking care of Andrew's needs, round the clock. Now we're facing a new reality: Dad goes to work on weekdays, Mom stays home and takes care of the baby and the house. How 1955! Let's see how it goes...this morning, at least, it went relatively well: Andrew woke up at about 7:00. I fed him and changed him, and then cuddled with him for a little while. By 8:30 he was ready for a nap, so I took Bob outside to do his business. I then was able to shower AND blow-dry my hair (!!!), get dressed, put in a load of laundry, start the dishwasher, and make myself some breakfast. Wow! And it's 9:45 a.m. and Andrew's still sleeping. I love you, buddy, but I could have used that extra hour or so of sleep earlier this morning, before I was up and at 'em! Oh well.

Later, we plan on going to the grocery store. Wish us luck! It'll be our first grocery store outing alone, I believe. I know I'll be able to put the car seat in the basket of the shopping cart (MDad and I agree that those people who prop the car seat on top of the cart's built-in child seat are crazy folks just asking for disaster), but where, then, will I put the groceries??? Such are the mysteries of life.

Later this week, we need to go to Costco. Plus (ugh) I need to drive back down to pick up my car at the repair place. It was hit in the hospital parking lot while I was giving birth! Totally driveable, but extremely annoying, since I just bought it in September. Anyway, they gave me a rental: a Jeep Patriot. Lemme tell ya, I'm all for encouraging people to buy American whenever possible, but there's absolutely no comparison between the Patriot and my Honda CR-V. I mean, yeah, there's about a $4000 price difference (Patriot is cheaper), but the Patriot is consistently listed as a competitor of the CR-V in reviews. I can't see how it possibly competes!

News on the Mom front: after an ugly confrontation/argument about a week before Christmas, she stopped speaking to us (way to ruin Andrew's first Christmas!). We were in Pennsylvania from 12/24-1/3, and when we came back there was a nasty crazy note on the door (which my neighbors, who were cat-sitting, saw of course). So, the night we got home, I insisted we drive to Home Depot and buy new locks, which MDad installed for me. So now, my home is a sanctuary that cannot be violated by Mom. It's very, very sad. I look at Andrew sometimes and I really can't believe she wants to miss out on the precious smiles, milestones, snuggles, etc. I'm tearing up even as I write this. But the best thing I can do for Mom right now is not to tolerate or reinforce her inappropriate behavior. If there's ever going to be any hope of us having anything close to a normal relationship, she's going to have to get help. And maybe the only way she'll be able to see that is if I refuse to have a relationship with her until then.

But still, it's very, very hard.