Monday, January 7, 2008

I Totally Pwned the Grocery Store

Today (before lunchtime, no less), Andrew and I went to the supermarket. The house was pretty much devoid of food owing to the fact that we'd been gone for several weeks for the holidays, so we were out of basically everything.

Somehow, despite the fact that Andrew's car seat took up almost the entire basket portion, we managed to fill the shopping cart (and the space under the cart) with fruit, vegetables, potatoes/onions/garlic/shallots (Mommy's gotta have her staple foods!), lunch meat, assorted breads, seltzer (New Year's resolution: stop buying/drinking soda), a whole chicken (to be roasted later this week), bleach, a disposable roasting pan, pasta, tomato sauce, eggs, milk, tuna, baked chips...and much, much more. I felt like a big stud -- and combine this with the fact that no fewer than two people expressed great surprise when I told them how old Andrew is ("You don't look like you just had a baby 5 weeks ago!"). The icing on the cake was the very nice young man who, in addition to bagging my groceries, wheeled them out to the car and loaded them for me -- I mean, I could fit all of those things individually into the car seat/shopping cart crevices, but there ain't no way in hell they were going in after being bagged!

I must say, a baby is a great conversation piece. Anywhere I go, folks (usually nice middle-aged or older ladies) peer into the car seat and say something like "Awww, sweet baby," or "How old is he?" and we end up having a very nice conversation.

My 6-week postpartum checkup with the OB/GYN is this Friday morning. I have a sneaking suspicion that I may be developing thrush in my nipples (recall that I was on antibiotics a few weeks ago for mastitis; thrush is a possible side effect of antibiotics). I can't tell if the white coating on Andrew's tongue gets better after he's done nursing, or whether it's permanent (seeing as how he nurses all the damn time). But I've been experiencing sharp and achy pains in both breasts for a few days. Ugh -- from what I've read on the internet, it's a total pain in the ass to cure thrush: ointments, boiling all pacifiers and nipples for 20 minutes a day, washing bath towels after only one use, air-drying nipples for substantial amounts of time each day. Oy. So, we'll see...

Cute photo of my Bobbin taken this morning:

He's such a good boy. I feel guilty about not spending as much time with him now that Andrew is here, but he seems to be taking it fairly well.

I'm going to try and take a nap before my friend J arrives for a visit. Mmm, nap...let's see if Andrew will nap, too...

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