Monday, January 28, 2008

Two Whole Months

Our boy is two months old today, the 28th. We discussed this last night; it seems, in many ways, like it's been a lot longer! Perhaps it's the sleep deprivation, or just that we can't imagine life without him now, but two months seems like an awfully short time for him to have accomplished so much:

-Increasing his birth weight by 50%
-Learning to focus on faces and other objects
-Learning to smile, coo, and even giggle a little (those just pierce the heart!)
-Figuring out how to turn his head from side to side (he's been able to hold it up from Day 1)
-Going from eating every 90 minutes to sometimes going 5 hours between feedings, at night at least (hallelujah!)
-Learning to love his bath
-Learning to flirt

And there are so many other things. He's really changed so very much in only two short months. Last night Daddy commented that Andrew is starting to look like a little boy and not just "EveryBaby."

I feel like I've grown, too, as a parent. What I think I'll never learn, though, is how to deal with the constant juxtaposition of unutterable joy, and at the same time abject terror, that comes with being a mother. This is, without a doubt, the most humbling experience I've ever had, and I'm so grateful for it.

Happy 2-month birthday, my beautiful son.

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