Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Remember when...

...he had to eat every 60-90 minutes? (he only woke up twice last night!)

...he had his days and nights mixed up, and we thought we would go crazy for lack of sleep? (he went to bed with a minimum of fussing last night, after a bath and "Goodnight Moon")

...he still had his umbilical stump? and so we could only give him a sponge bath? (he loves his bath now...except for the cold, clammy "getting out" part)

...he fit into size "N" diapers? (he's fast approaching Size 2 now (upper limit of Size 1 is 14 lbs; we'll see at his checkup on Friday how much he weighs)

...he fit into "Newborn" or "0-3 months" size clothes? (he's in 3-6 months now)

...we weren't sure if it was a smile or just gas? (we get lots of smiles now)

...we could only carry him in the "inward-facing" position in the baby carrier? (he prefers to face out and interact with his world these days)

...we thought we were just random sounds and movements to him? (these days, his face lights up at Mommy and Daddy)

He has grown and changed so much in just 2 short months! I just put him down after a feeding, play session and diaper change, and he's sleeping peacefully. So, now that we're finally starting to figure this little guy out, I have to go back to work and let the daycare people enjoy him all day. How do people manage to do this???

Here's his 2-month birthday "party" picture:

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