Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We did it!

Day 1 of daycare and my return to work went relatively smoothly! My alarm was set for 6:00 a.m., and Andrew woke me up at 5:55 to nurse -- although he didn't sleep too well last night. It must have been because he napped from 5:00-7:00 p.m., rather than earlier in the day, so he woke at 10 p.m., 1:15 a.m., and 4:30 a.m. to eat, and was not his usual "easy" self about going back down after nursing. On top of that, despite all the pumping over the last few days, I don't think my left breast is back to producing as much milk as it did before (and it never produced as much as the right breast), so I can't just feed him on one breast at a time overnight, or he wakes up hungry after an hour or so (hence the stretch from 4:30 a.m. to 5:55). But hey, nothing compares to the sleep deprivation of the first few weeks of having an infant, so I can't complain.

Between 6:00 and 7:15 a.m., we managed to nurse, get toileted and dressed, finish packing for the day, let the dog out and in, make coffee and a PB/J sandwich for breakfast (and throw some granola bars into the pocket book), and more, all while listening to NPR -- can you believe Castro "resigned?"

Andrew had a good morning at daycare, despite one major poop-splosion (all over his teacher, unfortunately). Otherwise he was all smiles and took a couple of naps (1/2 hour and 1 hour, respectively). He's snoozing in his car seat right now; I'll take him out after I throw a load of (poopy baby) clothes into the washer.

Oh -- on another note, yesterday I cleaned my bedroom and found my pre-pregnancy jeans. After we got home just now, I changed into them from my work clothes. They totally fit. Now, if only my old tops fit...damn lactation.

My girlfriends sent me flowers at the office today! I feel so loved! It felt pretty good to be back at work, although I'm sure I was spared the usual crapload of whining, complaining, etc. I mostly just wandered around, talked to people, pumped my breasts, opened the 2-foot-high stack of mail on my desk, caught up on email, pumped my breasts again, etc. Depending on how well-rested I feel tomorrow morning, I may try and work a longer day, since I've pretty much used up all of my paid leave time. If I'm tired, though, I'll only work a half-day. I do NOT want to get sick again!

Off to do that laundry...

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