Thursday, February 21, 2008


At 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, Andrew rolled over, from his tummy to his back. It kind of scared him, too. But at the same time, he seemed amazed. He got really quiet and gave me the strangest look! This was 1 day before he turned 12 weeks old.

Today at daycare he apparently astonished his teachers by dancing in the exersaucer. Yes, dancing! Normally they don't put babies this young in the exersaucer, but our little genius (their words!) is already able to support himself on his legs and hold his head up like a pro. And apparently whenever they turned on a musical toy that was next to the exersaucer, he would bounce his head up and down. My god, I would pay good money to see that! Anyway, I was so proud -- his teachers were calling him "Baby Einstein" and such. I know I've said I'm not going to be one of "those" mommas, but it sure did fill my heart to burstin'!

Re Andrew's night wakings: I'm wondering if I should let him make noise for a few minutes when he wakes at night, rather than immediately getting up to nurse him. Maybe his pattern has changed, what with daycare and a new routine and such, and it's affected his sleep cycling. I'll give it a try tonight. It sure would be nice not to have to leap out of bed every 2.5 to 3 hours for a half-hour session of nursing, burping, changing a diaper, getting up to pee, drinking some water, putting lanolin and fresh nursing pads on my breasts, etc.

9:00 now. Time for sleep! I nursed him at 7:30, after his bath and some stories. Let's see what tonight brings...

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