Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Growth spurt?

I think Andrew may be going through a growth spurt. For the past couple of days, he's wanted to nurse more frequently, including during the night (unfortunately, this has coincided with my return to work, so alas, Mommy isn't getting much sleep). Today at daycare he drank a whopping 13 ounces of breast milk, and he was only there until 2:00 p.m. I've done a little reading on growth spurts and nursing "frequency days" -- they usually occur not just when physical growth is stepped up, but also when the baby is learning a new skill, such as...rolling over. Which Andrew did, yesterday, for the first time ever (from his front to his back). We are very proud.

I'm in bed right now, with the lights off. It's 7:57 p.m. as I type this. I've realized that going to bed extremely early is going to be the only way I get any real quantity of rest, so here I am. I showered. I fed the pets. I ran the dishwasher after making a big pot of pasta and sauce for the fridge for the rest of the week. I took out all the trash and recycling. Andrew nursed at 6:15 p.m., and I bet he's going to wake up again soon and want to nurse again. In fact, he's rustling around right now, and I can hear him sucking on his hand...a sure sign. In addition to nursing more frequently, he is also nursing for longer periods, so I feel like I'm back to his newborn days when it seemed like all I ever did was breastfeed.

But hey, in a matter of mere months, when Andrew is crawling or walking and snarfing down Cheerios, I'll look back wistfully on this time, I'm sure. But right now I can honestly say that there are times when I just want to cut off my boobs and throw them out the window.

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