Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thirteen Weeks

Andy Roo is 13 weeks old today! He celebrated by going to daycare, playing in the exersaucer and on the tummy-time mat, and by taking 4 naps :-) He's been a really sweet, good boy lately; in fact, he hasn't pooped at home in 3 days -- he saves it for daycare. Awww, shucks, Andy Roo. Mommy thanks you!

The days go by so quickly -- I work for a few hours, pump, work for a few hours, and repeat, and then it's 3:30 p.m. and time to pick up Roo. Sometimes I have time for an errand or chore (today it was getting gas) before picking him up. We spend some quality time once we get home at around 4:30; then Roo hangs out briefly on his play mat or in the bouncy seat while I unpack and refrigerate his milk for the next day, let Bob outside, etc. After that, we usually nurse and do a diaper change, and then it's time for Mommy to eat some supper while we video chat with Daddy.

After chats, it's time for Roo's bath, which he loves. Then it's up to the nursery to dry off, get a dry diaper, get moisturized, get butt-creamed, nightied, sleep-sacked, the works. After all this, we head to the rocking chair in Mommy's room to read (if Roo's in the mood -- tonight we read "Little Lamb" and "Goodnight Moon") and then to nurse. All of this is usually accomplished by 8:00 p.m.

At 8:00 p.m., Mommy begins her mad dash to get things done! Tonight was garbage night, so I had to collect all that and put it out at the curb. I skipped the recycling (screw it; there's not that much of it, and it doesn't smell or anything, so it can wait). I did do a thorough litterbox cleaning, though. Then I emptied the dishwasher, refilled it with dirty dishes, rinsed out Roo's bathtub and put it away. I washed all of his bottles, nipples, bottle caps, and accoutrements. I scrubbed the breast pump parts. I made up his bottles for daycare tomorrow. I got the coffeepot ready to run first thing in the morning (grounds measured out, water poured in -- all I have to do is turn it on). I made my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow. I filled the cat food dispenser and refilled the animals' water dish to the brim.

I'm proud of what I've packed for breakfast/snack/lunch tomorrow: PB/J sandwich on whole-wheat bread for the car ride to work (with my 1 cup of coffee); yogurt and granola for snack, chicken/veg soup (okay, it's canned, but it could be worse), cheese and crackers, a little container of applesauce, and an incidental granola bar (in case I'm hungry after all that!) And oh, will I be hungry. I weighed myself this morning, though: I am exactly 1 pound over my pre-pregnancy weight.

Sometime tomorrow (when???) I need to get to the grocery store. I have no bread. I'm low on milk. My lactating body nearly screams with despair at the thought of running out of food!

Tomorrow is Andrew's three-month birthday. Good lord. He'll be in college before we know it. We'll have to do something special this weekend.

And now it's 9:37 p.m., past my bedtime, so time for sleep...

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