Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seven Weeks Old

Andrew is 7 weeks old today. He's turning into such a big boy -- sometimes going almost 5 hours between feedings at night, holding his head up, looking around, smiling up a storm (especially when we videochat with Nan at night; she doesn't believe us when we tell her about his fussy spells!). He's really starting to interact with his world, which is fun to watch. Every day there's something new: a new coo or squeak, fascination with the toys dangling from his bouncy seat, working on finding his thumb or fist to suck on (one of his favorite pastimes). While I was pregnant, I was fairly certain (from his pattern of movements, many of which were down low in my belly, near his head) that his hands were jammed up near his face. Perhaps his thumb frequently made it into his mouth, and that's why he's developing this oral fixation now. I do try to save the pacifier for emergencies, but it really does seem to soothe him, especially through transitions -- into the Snugli, into or out of the car seat, etc.

He's already outgrowing his newborn-sized outfits, and he even fits handily into some 3-month clothes! I had him weighed on 1/11: 11 lbs, 4 oz.

My left breast is about half the size of my right breast, and I think it produces substantially less milk, but I still need to nurse Andrew on both sides, so nursing on the left side takes FOREVER! Apparently this is not uncommon. But it is weird.

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