Tuesday, October 30, 2007

36 Weeks, 1 Day - Checkup

Dr. S said pleasantly today, "Officially, if you go into labor now, no one will try and stop you." Oy!

We are up to the 50th percentile for amniotic fluid! -- which is damn near perfect, since you don't want to be in the upper echelons, either (equally dangereuse). Today's ultrasound tech estimated Murky at around 5 lbs. 15 oz, and Dr. S said we're on track for a not-too huge, just-right-sized baby. Unless I go overdue...

My coworkers have started a due date/weight/length pool -- any guesses out there? Had a couple of Braxton Hicks contractions last night, but nothing "serious."

I've gained 30 lbs so far. I'm supposed to get a call from a physical therapist today so I can be fitted for wrist braces for the carpal tunnel syndrome...so I can get some sleep at night. Which would be lovely.

I really have absolutely, positively no motivation to come to work anymore. I want to nest, to be home with Murky, to be safe and cozy and focus all of my energy on him (not the whiny babies I have to deal with at work). Alas, I still have that mortgage...


Anonymous said...

Wow - While I believe (for whatever that's worth) that Murky won't make his debut for a couple of weeks, it's reassuring to know that he's good to go should he become impatient!

I'll place my bet on November 22, 6 lbs, 5 oz. As for length? I have no idea... do they measure in inches??

Unknown said...

I'm in for 7 lb. 4 oz. 19.5 inches on November 28.

I have no idea why women in the 70s set the precedent of working up until the last minutes. Were they crazy???

Hezza said...
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Hezza said...

I'll take 7 lbs. 7 oz. (Lucky number 7!), 21 inches (7x3 - and MMom is tall and narrow) on November 21 at 7:07 - the vision is not clear on a.m. or p.m. ...
The advantage I see to working until the last minute is being able to take a couple more days on the back end with your child. I think that if you are going to feel rather craptastic anyway, you might as well be at work. ;-) Of course, I'm not really pregnant and uncomfortable, so it's easy for me to pontificate.
...Evidently not easy for me to comment on a blog though - sorry about the deleted message.