Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Strap Me Down and Swab Me

This morning's fetal non-stress test (our first of many, apparently, for the remainder of the pregnancy) went very well. The nice nurses strapped two monitors to my belly and gave me a "Jeopardy!" buzzer to click whenever I felt Murky move. The idea is that the baby's heartbeat is supposed to accelerate when he moves, then decelerate when he calms down. Which is exactly what he did. Good baby!

The doctor also tested me for Group B strep, a yucky-sounding thing (at least for newborns) that, if I carry it, I'll have to cure with penicillin before the birth. It's found in 15-40% of women, is not translated sexually, and most women who have it don't have any symptoms. So, good thing I was tested. Apparently GBS kills up to 50% of the newborns it affects in third-world countries, mostly because the moms there don't have access to prenatal care or antibiotics. How sad -- it's the biggest killer of infants and it could be prevented.

Grammy is signing a lease on Friday morning! She's very excited about her new place, and she's even offered to come around to the house and check on my pets when I'm at work or out of town. Hallelujah -- my mother and I may be working toward some semblance of a normal relationship, after all these years!

Tonight I'm going to an "open house" at the pediatric practice just downstairs from my OB. I hope to snag a pediatrician and get that all set up before Murky is born.

Many things are getting checked off the list!

1 comment:

G-Fav said...

Many congratulations on the above indications of (and causes of) things going well, e.g. the tests and the lease.

We have a fantastic group of pediatricians in Arlington in case you want a Mass-area doctor to lean on. Ask J-Fav. We had many questions in the first two weeks (when reality doesn't match textbook, and the result is needless guilt!). The docs helped a LOT.
