Friday, September 14, 2007

Another coffee break update: 29.5 week checkup

Total weight gain: 22 lbs.
Blood sugar (from Aug. 20 glucose tolerance test): 110 (v. good!)
Blood pressure: 100/58 or something low like that
Learning that the baby is head-down: priceless -- and let's hope he stays head down. They're awfully hard to deliver ass-first!

Daddy's home working on the nursery while I, regretfully, have to stay at work until 7:30 p.m.-ish. Then I'm going to use the pregnancy as an excuse to beg off. I really just can't work until 9 p.m. anymore -- especially on a Friday!

We visited our top-choice daycare today so Daddy could check it out. It seems neat, clean and well-run. I think neither of us really wants to think too much about me returning to work and putting Murky in daycare, though. This morning while I was in a meeting, I felt a jab in my right side, reached down to pat it, and am pretty sure I felt a hard little foot protruding outward. I know we're going to fall head-over-heels in love with this child, and while we try to keep positive about our life circumstances right now (commuter relationship in adjoining states; two houses with big mortgages but no equity; how to face relocating my mother, who is currently living with me and has severe emotional issues), it just gets really tough sometimes. This is not how either of us thought it would be, and I know we'll work through it and make the best of it, but it would be nice to get to a point where we can say "Phew! Glad we got through that!" But I guess the only way is through, day by day, chipping away at what needs to be done a little at a time. I guess life doesn't give us anything that we can't handle.

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