Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aw, shucks...

I want to thank everyone who's been so sweet and supportive during the last few weeks or so. I've realized that it only takes one "small" thing, like getting sick, to throw your life out of whack when you have an infant. So, to everyone who's emailed me or commented on the blog, or joined me for Scrabulous on Facebook (a great activity during 4 a.m. breast pumping sessions, by the way), or stopped by the house to bring me food or keep me company -- thank you!!!

Today I'm feeling a bit better, but I'm still just not my bubbly energetic self. My friend S is coming over at 5 with her new baby, and I was going to rush around cleaning the house, paying bills, and filling out the mortgage refinance paperwork, but I'd really rather take a nap. Who better than a fellow new mom to understand just how tired I am? So the house is going to stay messy.

This morning I spent $42.00 on gently-used books (mostly children's, some cookbooks) at the library book sale. I mean, I got dozens of books for that $$. Andrew is going to be LITERATE, dammit!

Anyway, about that nap...

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