Monday, March 3, 2008

Back to the routine

Tonight I picked Andrew up at daycare at 4:15, and we were home by 4:30. He was asleep in the car seat, so I took the opportunity to do the nighttime chores while he snoozed: washed his bottles, prepared his bottles for tomorrow, washed the breast pump parts, washed my coffee mug and the coffeemaker, unpacked my breakfast/lunch I threw in a couple of loads of laundry, and I even remembered to feed and water the pets. I cleaned the litterboxes. I went through the pile of mail on the counter (there was only one actual relevant non-junk piece of mail). I folded and put away last week's clean laundry (finally). I packed my breakfast/lunch bag for tomorrow. I got the coffeepot ready. I bathed my baby after we videochatted with Daddy. I nursed my baby -- twice. I attempted to read to my baby, but we only got two pages into the board book version of Goodnight Moon before he started his restless cranky fidgety dance, which means "Hey, Mom, I'd really rather just go to bed now." So he did.

I even snuck in a shower! Wait, I just realized that I did some of the above chores after Andrew went to bed (not while he was sleeping in the car seat -- he only did that for a little while). But the point is, I did them!

Tune in tomorrow night, when MurkyMama folds tonight's laundry, organizes the recycling, and maybe even vacuums the living room (whoa, Nellie)!

Annoying event of the day: Andrew's teacher left me a note that one of the frozen bags of breast milk I'd left had leaked while being warmed. Mental note: thaw and bottle Monday's milk before going to daycare. Argh. Stupid Lansinoh expensive damn breastmilk bags.

Pumping is going well, though. I pump about 4-6 oz each sitting, depending on...well, whatever capricious factors are affecting my milk production at the moment: hydration level, relaxation state, how long it's been since I nursed Andrew, whether or not I've got a cold or not...I don't know. Today I tried the Pumpin' Pal for the first time. It did make pumping more comfortable, since I could lean back during the process, but I can't say whether it helped the flow of milk. I tried it at my afternoon pumping -- the third and final session of the day -- and I only got 4 oz as opposed to 5 oz the other two sessions, so I don't know whether that was due to the effectiveness of the Pumpin' Pal or to the time of day.

I can't believe how much life revolves around my boobs.

Cute event of the day: Andrew is totally getting interested in his bath book (Daisy Duck). Can't say much for the plot (it's 4 pages long), but it's got colorful pictures AND a squeaker AND, of course, it's a book...that can go in the bathtub! He was totally into it. We read it like 5 times in a row. And the cool thing is that he actually has a rubber duck and some rubber frogs for the tub (the two main protagonists in "Daisy Duck" are a duck (duh) and a frog). I tried acting out the story with the rubber props, but my little intellectual boy seemed more interested in the book itself ;-)

This weekend we are going to visit Nan -- she's not going to believe how much he's grown! I'm happy to say he seems to be almost completely over his sniffles.

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