Wednesday, March 26, 2008

High Chair!

Tonight I put Andrew in the high chair for the first time, while I sat at the table and ate my "gourmet" dinner: a tuna fish sandwich with canned mixed vegetables on the side. Hey, if it's not fancy, at least it's nutritious...Anyway, Andrew seemed to like the high chair well enough, although the look on his face was absolutely priceless. It was like, "What the...??? Well, this is a new experience!" He got a little fussy towards the end of dinner (which I of course held out to him and let him sniff -- doesn't seem to interested in solids yet), so I "vroomed" his high chair around the table a bit. Oh my, that elicited even weirder looks! Big wide eyes, totally quiet baby...he was really trying to figure out the situation!

He really seems to enjoy books, too. Thank goodness.

We're going to see if he'll sleep in his big-boy crib in his own room, starting this weekend. I think. I really don't know if I can deal with that yet...especially since he's not sleeping through the night.

Speaking of sleep...

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