Sunday, March 16, 2008

Somehow the weekends got shorter. Or time started going faster, or something. It seems like MDad just got here, but he just had to turn around and head back to Boston for the work week. We manage to pack a lot into the weekends -- visiting friends, running errands, doing chores, etc., but there's no longer much time for reflection. Or just chilling.

Today we bought Andrew the Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper at Babies "R" Us. After we got it home and MDad put it together, we even had the audacity to put Andrew INTO it, despite the fact that it says infants should be 4 months old (Roo is 3.5 mos) and able to sit up unassisted (yeah, he can't do that yet, either...BUT he hangs out quite successfully in the exersaucer at daycare, so we figured he was good to go). Since we're not planning on parking him in it unattended for more than a few seconds at a time, we think he'll be fine. He seemed to like it well enough tonight, despite the fact that he was already in his tired and cranky phase of the day by that point.

By the way, I did research exersaucers/jumpers -- I'm not one to buy into the whole Baby Einstein fad or anything. I just liked the color scheme, its height-adjustability, and, most importantly, the fact that it has plastic rings onto which we can attach some of Andrew's board books, which also have plastic rings on them. Because we are dorks. So yes, no Baby Einstein DVDs or any of that shiznit -- although the books and CDs look cute. Currently, Andrew listens to regular old classical music (Brahms, etc.) during his bath.

Tonight we had Trader Joe's chicken burritos for dinner. They were yummy, and only like $2.00. I love Trader Joe's.

So yes, thanks to Dad, the house is ready for yet another week with the Roo -- dishes are washed, groceries are bought, slipcovers are laundered and free of dog dirt, and dog food is bought and then hauled into the garage. The baby has been fed, changed, cuddled, bathed, read to and loved all weekend. We made it through a few more days, and sometimes, I guess, that's all we can strive for.

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