Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Here He Is!

Here he is! The name will be forthcoming as we have a chance to meet him and settle in a little bit.

Mom and baby are doing fine. After about 2.5 hours worth of pushing, Junior was born at 8:06 PM, and clocked in at a hefty 8 lbs 10 oz (big like his dad was!). 19 inches long, and good Apgar scores all around.

Update from the front...

A rare post from MurkyDad...

MurkyMom and Murky are doing fine so far. As of 1PM-ish the assessment was 4 cm dilation and 90% effaced, with Murky at -1 station. At this point they went ahead and ruptured the amniotic sac.

MurkyMom had an epidural at around 2 PM and is resting comfortably now in anticipation of the big push. Contractions are nice and regular at about 2.5-3 minutes apart.

MurkyMom is hoping for a pre-dinner delivery, as she is hungry, but I have my doubts. I will be happy if he shows up before midnight tonight. If he does, GrandmaMurky on MurkyDad's side wins the pool.

Further updates as they happen...


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Here we are

Well, it looks like this is it!

This morning at my office visit, the doctor noticed some downward spikes in the baby's heartbeat (even though Murky did a great job of getting his heart rate up when moving). And my fluid was only "adequate." "Better out than in," said Doc, but first he sent me to the hospital for a more in-depth non-stress test which, while absolutely fine, led the docs to want to keep me at the hospital and induce me. So at some point this afternoon or evening, I'll be given misoprostol, which may put me into labor. If not, it's pitocin after that. We'll probably have a baby tomorrow!

Murky is at 0 station, and while I'm not dilated at all yet, I'm 50% effaced.

Here I am in my stylish hospital couture:

And they even fed me lunch -- Thanksgiving turkey, stuffing, etc!

Monday, November 26, 2007


According to, "You're 14 percent more likely to give birth on a Tuesday than on any other day of the week — and least likely to deliver on the weekend."

So, maybe tomorrow's the day!

40 Weeks

We're officially 40 weeks today. As in, if I don't have this baby tonight, he's officially overdue as of tomorrow morning. I think that's pretty likely.

Today Mom and I did a bunch of Christmas shopping (both of us) and apartment-supplies (for her) shopping. I held out pretty well for about 4 hours, but by the end of it my back was tired and I was very cranky. What is it with people? Are they really in so much of a hurry that they have to cut off the pregnant lady in the housewares aisle at K-Mart? It's not like I can stop on a dime!

We ran into Mom's friend Maria, a little old Italian lady, who took one look at me and said "You having a boy, yes?" (I'm not making up her accent, by the way. It was awesome.). When Mom asked her how she knew, she said "Of course she have-a the boy -- she don't a-hava no butt! He's all out in front!" It was a pretty hilarious interaction. Later on, at another store, a checkout girl took one look at me and said "You're having a boy, right?" Turns out she has 3 boys, so I'll take her word that she's the authority on it. Apparently, since I'm carrying compactly and all out in front (looks like like I'm carrying a basketball), it's quite obvious that my child is male. Okay then!

I thought about making homemade macaroni and cheese tonight, but I'm kind of tired, and there's already a lot of food left over in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow. I really love homemade mac and cheese.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful...for rest

We had a very restful weekend -- played some WoW, got new glasses at LensCrafters, ate holiday leftovers, played with the dogs, and watched some movies. We felt a little lazy at times, but then we realized that soon -- very soon -- we'll appreciate every little moment of rest we can get!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Yep, still pregnant

We got through Thanksgiving -- and a lovely Thanksgiving it was, with all the fixins and family we could want. Now it's just a waiting game...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tick Tick Tick...

Today was my last day of work for at least 12 weeks. Thank god. I woke up in the middle of the night last night feeling like I was swallowing razor blades, but luckily the sore throat didn't stick around -- just the extraordinarily irritating Faucet Face, postnasal drip, cough, etc.

By midmorning I was feeling some contractions, but they weren't often or regular, and my back didn't hurt, so I'm assuming they were just Braxton Hicks. It was nice just to lie down on the couch for a while and watch HGTV and the Food Network this afternoon. I want Paula Deen to be my grammy.

Tonight MDad and I prepared the pumpkin pie ingredients: He insists on hand-baked (non-canned) pumpkin, and I insist on homemade crusts, so we made both of those things, and tomorrow we can assemble them and get the pie done ahead of time.

Either that or we'll have a baby. ;-)

Monday, November 19, 2007


Yep, you guessed it. I'm sick.

I'd been fighting off a cold since around Veterans' Day, but it's winning now. I didn't go in to work until about 5:00 p.m. today, and then only because I had a board meeting. I'm going in tomorrow morning, unless I'm significantly worse, and then that's it. I'm on maternity leave.

So right now I'll be going to bed with my saline nasal spray, my Vicks VapoRub, the ice pack for my swollen hands, my bottle of water, and my Puffs Plus. My OB told me this morning that I can take any medication I want at this point, but that it probably wouldn't work (I love how frank Dr. S is). So right now I'm not taking any druggies, just natural remedies. I've consumed about 2 gallons of liquids today, most of which has then come out of my nostrils or my left eye (why is my right eye not watering?)

Tonight when I got home from the board meeting I made cream of wheat. I love cream of wheat. I could have eaten three large bowls of cream of wheat. But I only had one.

We're having MDad's mom and sis, plus my mom, over for Thanksgiving. That way we're pretty much guaranteeing I'll go into labor (as an aside, my "job" for Thanksgiving is to do the heavy looking-on, and not any turkey-lifting, etc.) Can't wait to see what actually happens!

Under today's "Too Much Information" header: I've been, um...going to the bathroom a lot today. I've heard this is common as labor approaches: your body tries to "clean you out." It's a little weird.

39 Weeks

Still pregnant. Still very, very pregnant:

This morning's checkup went fine - a nice, reactive non-stress test. The monitor even showed some contractions this time (which I couldn't feel, and the doc says that anything the mom can't detect is not significant). My next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday morning, the 27th, a day after my due date. Doc says that if I haven't given birth by 41 weeks (Dec. 3), he'll induce. They don't let you go past 41 weeks these days, I guess.

I gotta say, the thought of going to work this afternoon/evening and tomorrow is less than appealing.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Random Restless Pregnant Post

I'm restless today. I took the day off because yesterday I felt like I was coming down with a cold, and I really didn't want to push it. But of course today I get up and, after blowing out some gross stuff, I feel fine and proceed to pay bills and do yet more laundry...

I also decided to tackle the kitchen floor grout -- a sign of impending labor??? Anyway, here's a photo:

You can clearly see where I've scrubbed, versus where I haven't scrubbed yet. Pretty grody, eh? Well, after much experimentation, I've found the perfect grout cleaner: a paste of white vinegar and baking soda. Cheap and non-toxic! However, it does make me crave fish and chips! Now that I know this works, I'm going to "paste" the floor in the half-bath next to the kitchen and leave the paste on while I do some other chores, thereby (I hope) minimizing my scrubbing time. I'm also pretty sure I wouldn't be able to wedge myself out of and up off the floor of the half-bath...

Here's a wicked cute outfit that I'm dying to get for Murky, even though he has wayyy to many clothes already (hence the laundry I'm doing today). "Professor Dad" and I fell in love with it at Babies "R" Us last weekend:

How fricken handsome is that???

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

When is this baby coming?

The answer is, we have no idea. I have no idea, at least. And I'm fortunate to have an OB who does not routinely do internal exams in late pregnancy "just to see" -- how dilated/effaced I may be, what station the baby's at, etc. From what I've read, this information has no bearing on predicting when the baby will arrive, but internal exams do have the potential to introduce nasty germs into the womb, or even to rupture my membranes, forcing an induction, which would be likely to cause me to have a caesarean.

So, no thanks. No need to know -- at least not yet -- how dilated I am, or how far down the baby's head is, etc. He'll come out when he's ready.

But that doesn't mean I'm not still freaking unbelievably tired. It's exhausting growing a person.

Still pregnant...

...and vastly unproductive at work. Oh, well. Don't think anyone expects someone who's 12 days away from her due date to be tackling large projects right now. Except for me, that is. But I'll have to get over that. Still, it is hard being the normally driven and accomplishment-oriented person that I am, and not having any drive or wanting to accomplish anything.

This afternoon I went to the dentist for a cleaning, and then I attended a 2-hour breastfeeding class at the hospital. It was very informative, but I'm still prepared for the reality of breastfeeding to be somewhat (or significantly) different from what the pro-lactation evangelists assure me will happen. I'm trying to go into this whole Mommy thing with the expectation that I will get exactly zero sleep, the house will be a stinking, festering disaster area, that no one will come round to help us, that we'll tear one another's eyes out with frustration, that the baby will cry all the time and eat none of the time, etc. That way, if and when something does go right, we'll feel like the World's Best Parents. Hey, at least we can dream. And really, the baby does have to sleep sometime, right?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

5 Days

Five more work days. I'm not sure I can make it. I now officially have zero motivation, and even if I did feel like doing actual work, I wouldn't be able to because of my numb Balloon Hands.

I'd really much rather stay at home and scrub the grout on the kitchen floor. I'm not kidding.

38 Weeks

Good news; since our amniotic fluid has been "great" for weeks now, I don't have to keep going to the doctor twice a week anymore. Just once a week from now on.

Baby is estimated at 7 lbs 3 oz right now -- give or take 2 lbs either way, of course. He's head down, but "posterior," which means that if I went into labor right now, it's likely I'd be in "back labor," with the boniest, hardest (back) part of the baby's head pressing on my tailbone. Let's hope he turns around before labor...

Blood pressure was something like 122/78 this morning. I'm 4 lbs heavier than last week, and I'm pretty sure that's all fluid retention.

Here's a really gross photo of my left hand as I try to type:

Isn't it disgusting? Ice tends to work well, but as soon as I stop icing my hands, they balloon up again. And yes, I'm drinking copious amounts of water and trying to cut down on sodium. I can probably do better with the sodium, to be perfectly honest. But what the hell am I supposed to eat? Plain rice and fruit? The horror!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

All's Right WIth the World

Still pregnant! And MDad made it home from the conference none the worse for wear (well, except for a head cold, from which he has mostly recovered).

Yesterday we did lots of shopping, the "big" purchase being a 42" LCD TV! It was a bit of a splurge, but as I'd mentioned a few days ago, Mom's taking the old TV with her to her new apartment, and we might as well invest in a nice new set. We watched it with awe last night.

Today we're moving Mom's "big stuff" to her place -- bed, armoire, table and chairs, etc., with the help of friend D's truck. More updates later!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


After 3 hours, thousands of calories worth of chips-and-dip, and 36 thank-you notes, I'm done! My fingers are completely numb, but I'm finally caught up after last weekend's and this afternoon's baby showers.

Going to ice the wrists now, then bed.

Yay, it's almost the weekend!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Britney pregnant again?

Good lord, rumor has it that Britney Spears is pregnant for the third time, this time by who-knows-whom, since she's divorced from K-Fed.

You know, I worry about being a good mother, about doing or saying the right things, modeling the right behaviors, etc. And then I look at Britney. And my worries fade away. The poor dear -- it would be hard to be a worse mother than she is.

FYI, the arm brace did work last night, and today I visited the CVS in the town where I work and got a second one for my other arm, so I think we're good to go! I also looked up some carpal tunnel exercises on ye olde internet.

Mom and I went to Wal-Mart tonight (I needed cheap saline and a bottle of cheap shower spray refill, among other things). I am so proud of myself for working a full day and then coming home and not just flopping on the couch! Tomorrow night will have to be Night of a Thousand Thank-You Notes, though... Perhaps I will get some pizza for the occasion. It's the little things.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I'm swollen.

My hands are swollen. My ankles are swollen. My face is fat.

In the mornings, I can barely make a fist because of the carpal tunnel symptoms, and my fingers are very numb. Tonight Mom and I went to the pharmacy and bought one of these to try:

It's very cushy and doesn't tear away at my skin like the one I borrowed from a coworker does. Let's see how the hands feel in the morning.

My nights look something like this:
Midnight: Wake up with searing heartburn (let's see if the old wives' tale holds true and the baby is born with lots of hair).
2:00 a.m. Wake up to pee.
3:30 a.m. Wake up because my hands are numb.
5:00 a.m. Wake up because my back hurts.
6:00 a.m. Wake up to pee.

MDad and I just had our nightly "computer date" -- we were talking about how scary it is that we'll be having a baby right around the time of the writers' guild strike -- omigod! No new TV shows!

Tonight I managed to vacuum the living room and even heat up some dinner, in addition to making the above-mentioned trip to the drugstore with Mom. I wish I'd had the energy to dust, too, and I must say that I can't stand looking at my dirty kitchen floor. I want everything cleeeeannnnnnn...yet I feel like such a failure because I can barely even drag my ass out of bed in the morning to go to work, much less come home at night and do all the chores that need to be done. What happened to the "old me?" I guess she's gone, or she's got to change her priorities now, at least.

Murky is poking something (an elbow? a knee? a foot?) straight out in the middle of my abdomen. I really hope he stays head-down and decides to come out facing backwards (so as to avoid back labor).

Oh lord. How am I going to manage to write 25-odd thank-you notes to my coworkers for Sunday's shower if I can't feel my fingers???

The Year of Boys

Just got an email from friends of ours from childbirth class -- they had a boy. Everyone we know is having or has had a boy. Weird!

Monday, November 5, 2007

37 Weeks Today

Amniotic fluid holding steady at "9.2" -- whatever that means. 50th percentile, which is good.

Baby's heartbeat was 152 this morning.
Weight gain: 31 lbs (was 32 lbs last week, so I'm assuming that means I'm holding steady, and the fluctuation is due to fluid retention, etc. Some women actually lose weight in the last few weeks of pregnancy).
Blood pressure: 110/60. Woo hoo!
Group B Strep test results: Negative. Yay, no penicillin I.V. during labor!

This morning I had an ultrasound and got to see The Boy making hand movements and lots of breathing movements. The tech said this means his lungs are probably mature, which makes sense, because the baby is officially considered "full term" today. Oy! We could have a baby any day now -- but please, not until after this Thursday.

Most of my fingers are numb and/or tingly now. I never heard back from the physical therapist's office about my carpal tunnel, and I don't necessarily care to. What are they going to do, tell me to do the stretches that I already know how to do? To ice my wrists and hands at night, which I already do? To give me a wrist brace, which I've actually already borrowed from a coworker? All that just to burn up more sick time, of which I have precious little to spend right now? No thanks. I'll just bitch about it continuously instead.

This is what's frustrating. I thought a few weeks ago that I had no motivation to be at work. Now, I have about 100 times less motivation than a few weeks ago. I can't sleep at night, so I wake up exhausted. My hands bother me, and I have a desk job, so writing or typing are very uncomfortable. I am hungry all the time. I am cranky most of the time. I just want to stay home and clean my house and get ready for Murky.

A couple of interesting pregnancy-related observations:
1. The ice packs I've been using for my wrists were actually included in the free "goodie bag" that was given to us at our first prenatal visit, lo those many months ago. They're industrial-strength ice packs...are they for my boobs? Because they're from Enfamil. Is Enfamil trying to tell me that breastfeeding will hurt? Or am I supposed to keep bottles of formula cool with them? Mental note: buy a head of cabbage soon; cabbage leaves from the fridge are supposed to soothe painful nursing boobs. But will it make my milk taste like cabbage?
2. My belly button sticks out (along with most of the rest of me -- my boobs, my ass, my stomach, etc.). But hey, the upside of this is that, since it's now convex instead of concave, the inside of my navel has never been cleaner!

As usual when I lie down in bed at night, Murky has the hiccups :-) Tonight at dinner I made the dog bark (by scolding the cat -- this dog has a hyped-up sense of justice when it comes to cats). My hand happened to be on my belly, and I felt the baby jump. So I made the dog bark again -- and there was another itty bitty baby startle jump. Then I put Mom's hand on my belly and made the dog bark -- another jump! We could go on the road with this show, I swear! It's nice right now, because the dog can startle the baby all he wants, but the baby can't cry yet.

Yesterday was my "coworkers" shower at a colleague's beautiful home. We ate, we talked, we shared stories, and, of course, I opened presents. I can't even begin to say how much baby stuff we've received over the past couple of months -- people are way too generous and sweet. I would have been happy just getting together and eating food and talking to people!

I must say that (knock wood) we've pretty much been "textbook" thus far in the pregnancy...*WARNING: "TOO MUCH INFORMATION" ALERT* -- right down to today's helpful reminder on that I "may be experiencing increased vaginal discharge." Yeah; that's definitely true. (And sorry if that's too much information, but there's really not a lot of dignity involved in the whole pregnancy/childbirth process anyway).

I have several "profile" shots of Murky from the past few weeks, but they are all sucky pictures. They're like when you're lying on the grass in the summertime looking up at clouds, and all of a sudden someone is like, "Hey, look, it's President Lincoln on a unicorn wearing an apron and playing the bassoon!" Yeah, right. Today the ultrasound tech said "See, he just moved his hand!" That's his hand??? Or, "that's the bottom of his foot." WTF? Is he a duck?? All I can say is that ultrasound technicians are either extremely underpaid or extremely overpaid for what they do.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Rainy (Un)productive Day

This morning I slept in (hallelujah) until 8:30 a.m., made a quick bowl of oatmeal with Craisins, which I ate with a banana and a huge glass of milk, put in some mommy laundry (baby laundry came later), and tidied up the living room a bit. I made a grocery list. I took the cat to the vet (she had a gross ingrown dewclaw).

My friend D came down for a visit; theoretically he was supposed to help move Mom to her new apartment today, but for various reasons we're going to wait until next weekend: the maintenance man is still finishing up some projects and the place needs a thorough scrubbing; D didn't have his pickup truck today; MurkyDad is away at a conference and he's going to get one of the two business ends of Mom's couch, bed, etc. when the time comes to move; and, finally, I'd really like Mom to stay with me until MDad gets back from the conference. We all did take a trip down to see the progress on the apartment, though, and I'm happier with it than I was when I first saw it. The maintenance man has painted, replaced linoleum, replaced switchplates and the medicine cabinet and the lighting fixture, replaced the stove and vent, and replaced the mini-blinds and all the interior doors. Like I said, all the place needs right now is a thorough cleaning (and a shower head that doesn't spray water all over the bathroom when you turn it on ...)

So, instead of working, D and Mom and I made Maine-style Italian sandwiches, ate fudge cake, and shot the shit for a few hours. D and I investigated 1080p LCD TV reviews. You see, Mom is planning on taking the TV when she moves, so I just have to buy a new TV. And why buy something sub-par? After all, if we're up with a newborn at 3:00 a.m., we want to be able to watch QVC on the best possible set, right???

I'm finishing up the second of two loads of baby laundry now. Murky's dresser and armoire are now officially full of newborn/0-3 months, 3-6 month, 6-9 month, and even some 9-12 month duds. It is scary how many clothes he has -- many have been purchased by family or friends, and many have been donated by a coworker who's done having kids. What they all have in common is that they are Too Damn Cute for Words.

The cord blood collection kit is ensconced in the hospital bag, as is the Boppy pillow, as is virtually everything else we'll need (I hope). But seeing as how the house is literally 2 minutes away from the hospital, it's not such a huge deal if we forget something.

The last load of laundry just stopped, and I have to get ready for a video chat with MDad at 9:00, so TTFN...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Baby hiccups

Murky gets the hiccups quite often these days, sometimes for 10 minutes or more. From what I've read and been told, it's actually a good sign -- it means he's practicing breathing and swallowing. Good baby!

I miss MDad. I love how I can be bopping along through my day, preoccupied with work and other crap, and then suddenly I'll think of MDad, and as though by magic, up will pop a text message from him on my cell phone. It happened just now -- a "good night" text, just as I was texting him, from all the way across the country.

36 and 4/7 - week checkup

Today's non-stress test went fine. I have gained 32 lbs. My doctor would make no predictions as to when I might deliver, which was frustrating, because MurkyDad will be at a conference from now until next Thursday. So let's hope Murky decides to stay put until at least next Friday!