Monday, November 26, 2007

40 Weeks

We're officially 40 weeks today. As in, if I don't have this baby tonight, he's officially overdue as of tomorrow morning. I think that's pretty likely.

Today Mom and I did a bunch of Christmas shopping (both of us) and apartment-supplies (for her) shopping. I held out pretty well for about 4 hours, but by the end of it my back was tired and I was very cranky. What is it with people? Are they really in so much of a hurry that they have to cut off the pregnant lady in the housewares aisle at K-Mart? It's not like I can stop on a dime!

We ran into Mom's friend Maria, a little old Italian lady, who took one look at me and said "You having a boy, yes?" (I'm not making up her accent, by the way. It was awesome.). When Mom asked her how she knew, she said "Of course she have-a the boy -- she don't a-hava no butt! He's all out in front!" It was a pretty hilarious interaction. Later on, at another store, a checkout girl took one look at me and said "You're having a boy, right?" Turns out she has 3 boys, so I'll take her word that she's the authority on it. Apparently, since I'm carrying compactly and all out in front (looks like like I'm carrying a basketball), it's quite obvious that my child is male. Okay then!

I thought about making homemade macaroni and cheese tonight, but I'm kind of tired, and there's already a lot of food left over in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow. I really love homemade mac and cheese.

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