Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Still pregnant...

...and vastly unproductive at work. Oh, well. Don't think anyone expects someone who's 12 days away from her due date to be tackling large projects right now. Except for me, that is. But I'll have to get over that. Still, it is hard being the normally driven and accomplishment-oriented person that I am, and not having any drive or wanting to accomplish anything.

This afternoon I went to the dentist for a cleaning, and then I attended a 2-hour breastfeeding class at the hospital. It was very informative, but I'm still prepared for the reality of breastfeeding to be somewhat (or significantly) different from what the pro-lactation evangelists assure me will happen. I'm trying to go into this whole Mommy thing with the expectation that I will get exactly zero sleep, the house will be a stinking, festering disaster area, that no one will come round to help us, that we'll tear one another's eyes out with frustration, that the baby will cry all the time and eat none of the time, etc. That way, if and when something does go right, we'll feel like the World's Best Parents. Hey, at least we can dream. And really, the baby does have to sleep sometime, right?

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