Monday, November 19, 2007


Yep, you guessed it. I'm sick.

I'd been fighting off a cold since around Veterans' Day, but it's winning now. I didn't go in to work until about 5:00 p.m. today, and then only because I had a board meeting. I'm going in tomorrow morning, unless I'm significantly worse, and then that's it. I'm on maternity leave.

So right now I'll be going to bed with my saline nasal spray, my Vicks VapoRub, the ice pack for my swollen hands, my bottle of water, and my Puffs Plus. My OB told me this morning that I can take any medication I want at this point, but that it probably wouldn't work (I love how frank Dr. S is). So right now I'm not taking any druggies, just natural remedies. I've consumed about 2 gallons of liquids today, most of which has then come out of my nostrils or my left eye (why is my right eye not watering?)

Tonight when I got home from the board meeting I made cream of wheat. I love cream of wheat. I could have eaten three large bowls of cream of wheat. But I only had one.

We're having MDad's mom and sis, plus my mom, over for Thanksgiving. That way we're pretty much guaranteeing I'll go into labor (as an aside, my "job" for Thanksgiving is to do the heavy looking-on, and not any turkey-lifting, etc.) Can't wait to see what actually happens!

Under today's "Too Much Information" header: I've been, um...going to the bathroom a lot today. I've heard this is common as labor approaches: your body tries to "clean you out." It's a little weird.

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