Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Britney pregnant again?

Good lord, rumor has it that Britney Spears is pregnant for the third time, this time by who-knows-whom, since she's divorced from K-Fed.

You know, I worry about being a good mother, about doing or saying the right things, modeling the right behaviors, etc. And then I look at Britney. And my worries fade away. The poor dear -- it would be hard to be a worse mother than she is.

FYI, the arm brace did work last night, and today I visited the CVS in the town where I work and got a second one for my other arm, so I think we're good to go! I also looked up some carpal tunnel exercises on ye olde internet.

Mom and I went to Wal-Mart tonight (I needed cheap saline and a bottle of cheap shower spray refill, among other things). I am so proud of myself for working a full day and then coming home and not just flopping on the couch! Tomorrow night will have to be Night of a Thousand Thank-You Notes, though... Perhaps I will get some pizza for the occasion. It's the little things.

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