Tuesday, November 13, 2007

38 Weeks

Good news; since our amniotic fluid has been "great" for weeks now, I don't have to keep going to the doctor twice a week anymore. Just once a week from now on.

Baby is estimated at 7 lbs 3 oz right now -- give or take 2 lbs either way, of course. He's head down, but "posterior," which means that if I went into labor right now, it's likely I'd be in "back labor," with the boniest, hardest (back) part of the baby's head pressing on my tailbone. Let's hope he turns around before labor...

Blood pressure was something like 122/78 this morning. I'm 4 lbs heavier than last week, and I'm pretty sure that's all fluid retention.

Here's a really gross photo of my left hand as I try to type:

Isn't it disgusting? Ice tends to work well, but as soon as I stop icing my hands, they balloon up again. And yes, I'm drinking copious amounts of water and trying to cut down on sodium. I can probably do better with the sodium, to be perfectly honest. But what the hell am I supposed to eat? Plain rice and fruit? The horror!!

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