Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ultrasound: 18 weeks, 3 days

Everything looks great!

Blood vessels, heart chambers, limbs, skull, etc. all are where they should be, doing what they should do. Little Murky was doing some pretty creative gymnastics, and it took a little while for the ultrasound tech to get a good shot at the nether-regions, but we eventually were able to determine the sex...

...which we're not going to announce on the blog. We'll tell you in person!

We are sooooo happy to know that our child looks healthy and strong. The tech said the measurements point more towards a due date of November 22 -- exactly Thanksgiving! I've been eating my Wheaties; it's a big baby, apparently.

Sorry -- I stupidly left the 2 printouts on my desk at work, but I'll bring them home and scan them for the blog this weekend.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Serum Screening Test Results

Just called the doctor's office for the results of my maternal serum screening tests:

1. "No elevated risk" of open neural tube defects (they don't do a number for this one, as they do for Downs and Trisomy-18). Yay, folic acid!
2. Downs: 1 in 1,400 risk ("normal" is 1/270 or lower).
3. Trisomy-18: 1 in 47,103 risk.

I'll take those odds. Now on to the June 28 ultrasound. Bring it, obstetricians!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Weird prenatal nutrition, or, "Does the baby have PMS?"

OK, in the interests of keeping me honest, nutrition-wise, throughout this pregnancy, here's the list of what I've consumed today:

Dunkin' Donuts coffee with cream and sugar
Whole wheat bagel with strawberry cream cheese
1.5 McDonald's hash browns
Mini Luna bar ("Peanut Butter Cookie" flavor)
1 Dannon peach yogurt
3/4 can Spaghettios w/meatballs
10 oz apple juice
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
Handful of potato chips
Large bowl of Mom's homemade potato salad (with peas!)
Several glasses of water

What is that, like 8,000 calories? I think I should cut back on the junk food and caffeine and replace them with more fruits and veggies. And, of course, protein, which I never seem to get enough of in my diet. Perhaps I will go to the kitchen right now for a big spoonful of peanut butter.

Everything tastes good these days.

Wow, this pretty much sums it up

I've spent some time today scouring the internet for pregnancy/baby/parenting blogs to subscribe to, since I'm in sort of a pregnancy holding pattern at the moment -- I've read all the books, etc., but I'm not huge and the baby is still only giving me those little fluttery kicks (but not painful gymnastics yet, thank goodness).

This post from Pepita's blog represents a lot of what I've felt through this pregnancy so far. When your first pregnancy ends in miscarriage, it's awfully difficult to believe that the next one could go well. Every twinge or pain could "mean" something. Every time I pick up the Doppler I panic until I can hear the baby's heartbeat. I'm trying not to worry too much, but it really is scary.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I expected this to happen

I've already begun having the "nesting" instinct. I got home around 9:30 tonight after an evening professional meeting and dinner with a colleague, and I had the nearly-irresistible urge to clean out the spare room in preparation for turning it into a nursery. Fortunately, I was able to resist (thank goodness for those nearly-irresistible urges!), since I'm pretty zonked after the way this week has shaped up. But the living room did not escape my vacuum nonetheless.

I'm really really really really really looking forward to getting out of town, out of state, away from work, away from Mom, away from it ALL for a week of conference/vacation. Starting soon. Like, less than a week from now. I'm also looking forward to my haircut this Saturday morning; my hairdresser is awesome therapy -- a drama-loving Italian-American 40-ish lady. She'd kill me if she caught me calling her a lady.

A colleague of mine found out she's pregnant, after much trying, last Friday. I've got my fingers (and ovaries and stuff) crossed for her! I hope we can be preggers together. "Preggers" is an annoying word. How about "with child" or "expecting?" There have got to be some better euphemisms out there.

Tonight I took some photos of my belly (clothed, of course). I think I look pretty pregnant for not-quite-4-months, but that's only when I'm holding my clothes against my tummy. Otherwise I think I've managed to hide my "condition" with baggy clothes up to this point. But tomorrow's the big day, when I tell all of my coworkers!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Angry cleaning

Since MDad and I have decided to give cloth diapers a try (heck, the worst that happens is that we end up with some really nice cleaning rags after we switch to 'sposies), I've been researching brands of diapers, plus cleaning methods and products, etc. One in particular seems to get mentioned a lot, since it's recommended for diaper pails: Bac-Out by BioKleen.

Apparently, Bac-Out is good not just for diaper pails, but also for removing pet odors, cleaning garbage disposals, etc. I couldn't help laughing when I read through the instructions for cleaning up after pets:

"For Pet Stains & Odors: Remove excess waste, apply Bac-Out™ directly on stain, let sit for 5 minutes or more, blot (never rub) with dry rage, reapply and leave on. Repeat process if needed."

Dry rage! Well, it did make me think back to a few months ago, when I was trying (unsuccessfully) to get my damn cat's urine smell out of the living room carpet. I'm pretty sure that what I was experiencing was dry rage.

Boy or Girl?

So this is the big question these days...any hunches, anyone?

I took an online quiz that asked me such questions as the usual "Are you carrying high or low" and "Do you crave sweet foods or salty/spicy foods?", but it also asked me things like "Is your urine bright neon yellow or a dull yellow?" (eww) and "Do you prefer to eat the heel of a loaf of bread, or do you refuse to eat it?" What the hell?? So I dutifully answered all 597 questions or so, clicked "Submit," and waited anxiously for the results to turn up.

The results? There's a 50% chance it's a girl, and a 50% chance it's a boy. Thanks, Internet!!

Baby has been more active than usual today, and I'm certain now that it's not gas. Mostly because, due to the beautiful miracle of pregnancy, I happen to actually have a lot of gas these days, so I can pretty much tell when I'm having a Gas Attack versus a Baby Attack. Sorry if that's too much info. But I just know.

Aside from the fact that my mother is a raving lunatic these days, I'm feeling pretty peppy. I've actually had at least 2 relatively-energetic days in a row, and I even managed to get through a 14-hour workday yesterday, complete with an evening program that 250 people attended, followed by a town council meeting that ended at a depressing 11:00 p.m. And today, despite the fact that I didn't get to sleep until around 1:00 a.m. (I'm always hyper after council and board meetings), and only got about 6.5 hours of sleep, I'm still going strong. And here it is 9:32 p.m. However, I could use some nice quality time in bed with the novel I'm reading. Now there's a woman who loves books...

Monday, June 11, 2007

One of those days

Today was our 16-week checkup. We waited about 1/2 hour past when we were supposed to have been seen (but hey, we'd already decided to play hooky a bit, since the timing of the appointment really blew both our chances to be at work anyway). Then, Nice Chinese Doctor came in, asked us if we had any questions (more on that later), took my blood pressure (something ridiculously low, like 105/50, as usual with me), and listened to the baby's heartbeat with her Doppler.

Then we were free to go. Duh. That took like 5 minutes. MurkyDad commented that, since we've been listening to the heartbeat every damn day for a couple of weeks now, we could save a lot of money on med school, etc. and just go into the fetal-heartbeat-listening business ourselves!

Oh yeah, and when she asked if we had any questions, we made sure to ask about the results of the maternal screening tests, for which I had blood drawn 5 days ago. She told us that if anything had been abnormal (more than a 1/270 chance of abnormalities), the office would have heard within 48 hours; otherwise they don't get the results for 10 days. So our risk was deemed to be, well, not too risky. Great! Thanks for telling us that ahead of time, guys.

We also asked a) what I can do about the Perma-Headache (keep well hydrated, since it's probably sinus-related); b) what I can do about being tired all the time (I think she gave me some sort of look like "You're pregnant, dufus! Of course you're tired!"); and c) How often can we use the home Doppler (once a day is just fine; it's really low-intensity ultrasound). Well OK then.

So yeah, things are going along swimmingly. The "anatomy" ultrasound is on June 28, at which we may be able to determine the sex of the baby. Ooooooohhhhhh!!! I'm not sure, but today may have been the first time I heard MDad say "I hope it has a vagina." Sorry, MDad, but you have to admit that sounds pretty funny.

Today was perfectly lovely, and a great opportunity for MDad and me to feel "normal" for a change. As you may know, we're currently living in different states (well, he's in a Commonwealth), which has made our relationship, not to mention the pregnancy, difficult and very stressful at times. I think we're handling it well, but with two jobs, two mortgages, my mother living with me (not for long, I swear, but that's another whole story) -- it's nice to have those normal-like days where Daddy comes to the prenatal visits with Mommy, takes her to an al fresco lunch afterwards, and then they both firmly cement their playing-hookiness by going to see a matinee of "Ocean's Thirteen." Which was excellent, by the way. There were only like 4 other people in the theater. And no, I did not succumb to movie theater popcorn!

Oh, which reminds me: I'm 16 weeks today and I've gained 4.4 lbs since my first prenatal visit. Not bad, right?

Anyway, today was lovely, and MDad and I agreed when he left to drive back to Commonwealth that we want more than anything to be "normal." Neither of us has had a normal life in a long, long time. But dammit, I think we're both committed to Murky having as normal a life as possible.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Up and down

Some days I feel like I can do just about anything. I get wonderful bursts of energy, and the Perma-Headache goes away, and I'm on top of the world.

Other days, I can't possibly imagine being able to force myself out of bed to take care of a completely helpless child.

It is so scary.

I had the blood drawn this afternoon for the "fetal genetic abnormality screening" thing. My fingers are crossed that my 31-year-old eggs aren't, in fact, too old, and that MurkyDad didn't permanently damage his 'nads by washing his hands with acetone years ago. Anyway, once I hear either way, I'll post something.

I haven't felt the baby move as much today -- I think Murky has changed position or something. In fact, I had to place the Doppler wand in a different place, and I had to press down harder to hear the heartbeat. But once I got it, there it was again -- nice and strong and fast! I'm stil completely and totally amazed by this. It's still sinking in. Anyway, it looks like Murky's camping out closer to my spine today, or something :-)

A former coworker of mine, who lives in the same town as me, is also having a baby in November. I'm in email communication with her, and I asked about good daycares. She recommended one I already knew about (which I'll call "Freaking Expensive But Terrific Daycare Affiliated With The Local Small Liberal Arts College"), plus one other, which I'll also check out. Now is the time to get this research done!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My aching head

Yeah, this daily headache thing can go the hell away. It seems like just about every frakking day I wake up with a dull ache that exhausts me by mid-day (well, the headache combined with the fact that my body is growing a new person inside it). I don't know if it's my sinuses or what (I am prone to sinus infections), but I guess I'll have my OB check it out at Monday's appointment. In any case, it's getting to be irritating. I want my energy back!!! I absolutely loathe being incapacitated in any way.

On a positive note, this afternoon's nap did help get me through the evening meeting, which fortunately only lasted until about 9:30 p.m.! Naps are a pregnant woman's best friend.

Recognizing some patterns

Our baby likes to get active around 5:00 p.m., and then he or she doesn't calm down again until around bedtime (mercifully s/he does respect bedtime, at least for now). I just listened to the heartbeat with the Doppler again -- it's addictive!

I'm tired today. Yesterday I had so much energy, and now I miss it. I hope tomorrow's better. I come home from work (before inevitably having to drive back for endless night meetings, or at least this week), look at the cat and dog hair all over the house, the piles of books and magazines and clean clothes that still have to be put away, and I just want to cry. Or at least wave a magic wand and make it all right. Where the hell is this second trimester "burst of energy???"

I'm going to go take a nap. Before driving back to work for an 8:30 p.m. meeting. Yes, 8:30. P.M. Ugh.

Monday, June 4, 2007

My Little Monkey

Mom is convinced I'm having a little monkey, since I've recently become a fruit pig -- I can't get enough strawberries, blueberries, cherries, etc. I'm convinced she's right, especially considering the acrobatics the little bugger has been up to today! All I can think of is one of those little wind-up monkeys that plays the cymbals and occasionally does backflips. I was at a work meeting tonight and it was hard not to jump up from my seat each time Murky rolled around or "boinged." MurkyDad told me Murky must have been bored with tonight's meeting. That made at least two of us.

Oh, and my preggy undies arrived! Hallelujah!

Today I made a conscious effort to consume more protein -- some websites say I need at least 70 grams per day. Jeez! How on earth am I supposed to eat that much food in general? Anyway, it's cottage cheese, yogurt, lean meats, peanut butter, and beans for me for the foreseeable future. I do not want to be exhausted anymore. Today was good, though -- a long day of work, punctuated by a trip home to listen to my lovely baby's strong galloping heartbeat (perhaps I should nickname him or her Seabiscuit?), then back to work for a meeting, then back home -- and now it's 11:15 p.m. and I'm not retardedly exhausted.

Hooray for the second trimester!


Here's 7 weeks, 0 days (note yolk sac on right), then 8 weeks, 3 days (it has a head!):

Let's See if this Works...

Hopefully this works for everyone...



Heartbeat, 15 weeks

The Doppler finally arrived today! I've got some time at home before I head back to work for an evening meeting -- I recorded Murky's heartbeat (at about 160 bpm, the little racehorse!), but for the life of me I can't figure out how to post it on this blog. Perhaps MurkyDad will take pity on me while I'm at work this evening?

In other news, I purchased the Intelligender test off the internet -- it's supposed to tell me, by analyzing hormones in my morning urine, whether or not I'm having a boy or a girl. Orange means girl, green means boy. So I took the test first thing this morning. Results: greenish-orange. I swear. Dammit! But hey, we've got an appointment in a week, so maybe we'll be able to tell then ;-) Moral of the story -- don't buy Intelligender test.

I told my boss about the pregnancy today. He was thrilled, as were his assistants. I plan on telling the staff at our next staff meeting, on June 15. That is, if I'm not obviously showing by then. It's getting harder and harder to hide! I'm looking forward to being completely "out," so that I don't have to worry about whether people are taking second or third looks at my belly, and especially so that I can wear actual maternity clothes, in public, at work or where other people I know might see me.

Friday, June 1, 2007


3:00 a.m.: Thunderstorm wakes me up; get up to pee.
7:00 a.m.: Wake up; pee. Take a fiber pill (to prevent constipation/hemorrhoids) with a full glass of water.
8:15 a.m.: Pee again before driving to work.
8:50 a.m.: Arrive at work; pee. Start coffeemaker; this makes me have to pee.
9:00 a.m.: Pee. Drink a small cup of coffee.
9:28 a.m.: Pee before meeting with staff member.
10:25 a.m.: Pee after meeting with staff member.

etc., etc., etc.