Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Recognizing some patterns

Our baby likes to get active around 5:00 p.m., and then he or she doesn't calm down again until around bedtime (mercifully s/he does respect bedtime, at least for now). I just listened to the heartbeat with the Doppler again -- it's addictive!

I'm tired today. Yesterday I had so much energy, and now I miss it. I hope tomorrow's better. I come home from work (before inevitably having to drive back for endless night meetings, or at least this week), look at the cat and dog hair all over the house, the piles of books and magazines and clean clothes that still have to be put away, and I just want to cry. Or at least wave a magic wand and make it all right. Where the hell is this second trimester "burst of energy???"

I'm going to go take a nap. Before driving back to work for an 8:30 p.m. meeting. Yes, 8:30. P.M. Ugh.

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