Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Up and down

Some days I feel like I can do just about anything. I get wonderful bursts of energy, and the Perma-Headache goes away, and I'm on top of the world.

Other days, I can't possibly imagine being able to force myself out of bed to take care of a completely helpless child.

It is so scary.

I had the blood drawn this afternoon for the "fetal genetic abnormality screening" thing. My fingers are crossed that my 31-year-old eggs aren't, in fact, too old, and that MurkyDad didn't permanently damage his 'nads by washing his hands with acetone years ago. Anyway, once I hear either way, I'll post something.

I haven't felt the baby move as much today -- I think Murky has changed position or something. In fact, I had to place the Doppler wand in a different place, and I had to press down harder to hear the heartbeat. But once I got it, there it was again -- nice and strong and fast! I'm stil completely and totally amazed by this. It's still sinking in. Anyway, it looks like Murky's camping out closer to my spine today, or something :-)

A former coworker of mine, who lives in the same town as me, is also having a baby in November. I'm in email communication with her, and I asked about good daycares. She recommended one I already knew about (which I'll call "Freaking Expensive But Terrific Daycare Affiliated With The Local Small Liberal Arts College"), plus one other, which I'll also check out. Now is the time to get this research done!

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