Monday, June 4, 2007

Heartbeat, 15 weeks

The Doppler finally arrived today! I've got some time at home before I head back to work for an evening meeting -- I recorded Murky's heartbeat (at about 160 bpm, the little racehorse!), but for the life of me I can't figure out how to post it on this blog. Perhaps MurkyDad will take pity on me while I'm at work this evening?

In other news, I purchased the Intelligender test off the internet -- it's supposed to tell me, by analyzing hormones in my morning urine, whether or not I'm having a boy or a girl. Orange means girl, green means boy. So I took the test first thing this morning. Results: greenish-orange. I swear. Dammit! But hey, we've got an appointment in a week, so maybe we'll be able to tell then ;-) Moral of the story -- don't buy Intelligender test.

I told my boss about the pregnancy today. He was thrilled, as were his assistants. I plan on telling the staff at our next staff meeting, on June 15. That is, if I'm not obviously showing by then. It's getting harder and harder to hide! I'm looking forward to being completely "out," so that I don't have to worry about whether people are taking second or third looks at my belly, and especially so that I can wear actual maternity clothes, in public, at work or where other people I know might see me.

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